UFOs Caught on Video Over Ohio

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UFOs Caught on Video Over Ohio 11-7-2015

     An Ohio witness at West Carrollton reported watching and videotaping two spinning UFOs with a gem shape that appeared to move in formation, according to testimony in Case 72295 from the Mutual UFO Network (MUFON) witness reporting database.

The witness was outside smoking when two lights were noticed rising above the tree line about 6:30 p.m. on November 7, 2015.

“The two craft traveled a straight and level flight path from northwest to southeast,” the witness stated.“They appeared to be a spinning gem shape, with no sound. Both were spinning in unison, and appeared to be flying in formation. Recon definitely came to mind.”

By Roger Marsh

The witness with a military background could not identify the objects.

“They were not traveling at an unusual speed, or did not make any abnormal maneuvers. They did, however, disappear shortly after passing my position as I faced south. I have been an aircraft mechanic for over 30 years, including four years in the USAF at Edwards AFB. These were absolutely not aircraft that I know of, and unlike any of the unusual things I saw at Edwards. I live about a 15-minute drive from Wright Patterson AFB.” [...]
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