If You Haven’t Read “The Fine Print” on Your Cell Phone and Other Wireless Devices, How Do You Know That You and Your Kids Are Using Them Safely?

By B.N. Frank

Because digital, electronic, and WiFi operating devices don’t operate via magic, manufacturers are required to provide safety guidelines and warnings to consumers.

EHTrust.org put together this great reference link that highlights some of them.

Should you be worried?  Only if it bothers you that cell phone companies have been warning shareholders – not consumers – that they may eventually be held liable for harm caused by their products and infrastructure

Current safety standards are 20+ years old so they are outdated and don’t apply to how we use these devices today.  There is still no “safe” level of cell phone or WiFi radiation that has been scientifically determined for children or pregnant women.

Telecom companies along with many elected officials, government employees are in no hurry to correct this, though.  They continue marketing wireless devices and infrastructure to all of us from cradle to grave.

Unsafe tech use is portrayed more often than not in TV, film, and marketing campaigns – even for prescription medications.  Lab testing is available to determine whether health issues are being caused or worsened by exposure.  Exposure can harm our pets as well.

We have been warned over the years to especially limit children’s use of cell phones and other wireless devices but even Sesame Street markets wireless devices to kids.  These devices are designed to be fun – and according to remorseful tech inventors they’ve been designed to be addictive.  Research on what all of this is doing to kids and adults is tragic.

Utility companies have installed millions of digital and wireless “Smart” meters which also emit harmful radiationUtility companies are not required to provide manuals or safety guidelines and warnings to customers.  These meters are causing all kinds of health problems as well as fires and explosions.

There’s been much reported by the media about all of this.  The Telecom Industry is being referred to as “Big Wireless” and being compared to “Big Tobacco.”  U.S. broadcast stations are covering this as well.

Accepting the truth is overwhelming.  But it doesn’t have to be paralyzing.

For more information, contact the following organizations: