Novus Makes New Smartphone for Kids Despite Warnings from American Academy of Pediatrics and Other Experts about Multiple Health Threats

By B.N. Frank

Discouraging kids to have and use smartphones is really ramping up.  PBS and other media sources have been increasing their coverage – and warnings – about screen addiction, blue light, LED light and Electromagnetic Radiation exposure.  The long list of health consequences associated with tech use and exposure keeps growing – macular degeneration, blindness, brain health issues (see 1, 2) cancer, insomnia, and so much more.  Warnings from credible medical sources keep piling on.

Of course, Silicon Valley parents (aka tech inventors) have always limited their own kids’ use and exposure to screens – even sending them to “low tech schools.  More recently they’ve been taking more desperate measures to protect them – like making their nannies sign “no screens” contracts and spying on them to make sure they don’t break rank.

So it’s pretty tacky that Novus decided to create a new smartphone for kids and Backhub is helping them raise money for it.  Even tackier – the smartphone can be converted into a watch even though wearable devices have been associated with a variety of issues (including rashes) which led to many being recalled.  This device can also be converted into a night light and alarm clock/to be placed at kids’ bedsides.  OMG!

It’s understandable that parents want to know their kids are safe 24/7.  But wouldn’t’ it be better to instead create something for them that doesn’t have such serious health and privacy risks?  According to their website

Abardeen is a professional team that has more than 10 years of experience in designing and manufacturing of kids’ smartwatches. We’re on a mission to create the best smart devices for children at affordable prices.

So this is not a team of newbies.  They’ve even admitted:

However we also know that hidden obstacles and challenges often occur. Because of that, we’ve made sure to account for some amount of craziness or unforeseen problems that may occur in our schedule. If something does go wrong, we promise to keep our backers updated and informed about any issues and about the way in which we are solving them.

Nice disclaimer, Abardeen team.  Of course, if parents weren’t willing to buy these products for their kids, tech inventors wouldn’t keep making them.  They’d find another way to feed themselves and their families.

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