X-Files Revealed: CIA Releases Topsecret UFO Reports Online

Finally the wait is over! The prayers of UFO enthusiasts all over the world have lastly been heard, U.S. Central Intelligence Agency (CIA) recently unveiled their classified stock of X-files which broadly includes the first time UFO sighting documentations as well. This stockpile of UFO linked X files declassified by CIA is now available for public as per Freedom of Information Act (FOIA).

As per the details issued by CIA on their official website, these X files contain documents belonging to 1940’s and 50’s and the images present in this stash are supposed to be the clearest images of UFO’s ever sighted. The official statement released by CIA reads “We’ve decided to highlight a few documents both sceptics and believers will find interesting”. In order to make UFO enthusiasts believe in this unbelievable news, CIA took to twitter and promoted their gig by supporting UFO enthusiasts to take a look at the files.

CIA has often faced a huge rage of criticism by the theorists in past for putting a dark veil on the existence of aliens and alien related activities on Earth. Call it a miracle or a well designed scheme, the agency has somehow made all the UFO related confidential files public out of nowhere and anyone is allowed to access these PDF files replicated by CIA.

This stockpile of classified files released by CIA also includes a report from a resident of New Jersey George Stock according to which George Stock and his companion John H. Riley spotted a strange looking aircraft travelling in the sky on 29th July 1952 at around 4:30pm. Mr. Stock further reported that he ran into his house hurriedly in order to get his camera and was able to take five shots of the unidentified flying object. “The aircraft was flying at just 200ft of height at first and then took off with a very immense speed. It was of somewhat blue to grey color with transparent dome and looked sturdy and metallic in shape.” narrated Mr. Stock.

The statement issued by the website theparanormalguide.com associated with the compilation of UFO sightings was worth publishing, according to which “ Despite such amazing clarity of images flaunting UFO sightings, these images received very less attention and the reports of UFO sightings by media and other agencies were prohibited because 1952 marked as the year in which massive UFO sightings took place.

The formerly classified documentations which were recently revealed by CIA tells us the another story that CIA was keeping a close watch of UFO sightings not only in U.S but also in other nations including North America, Germany, England and Spain. This fact derives its roots from the mysterious UFO showcasing photo which was taken above Sheffield in the month of March 1962. Not much later after the incident took place, the photo was declared as a hoax.

Although CIA is testifying the authenticity of these documents but on the other side, they are constantly making UFO enthusiasts to focus on the drama series The X Files and it’s agents Mulder and Scully.

In spite of the authenticity of the uploaded CIA documents, the agency kept referring to Agents Mulder and Scully of the famous drama series The X-Files. CIA mentioned these two agents while presenting some of the UFO sighting documents on their blog. This is what they had to say “Below you will find five documents we think X-Files character Agent Fox Mulder would love to use to try and persuade others of the existence of extraterrestrial activity”.

However the documents revealed by CIA recently don’t give any solid proof about existence of extraterrestrial life and UFO sighting. In fact UFO conspiracy dates back to decades and not only CIA, even NASA has been alleged for covering up UFO and extraterrestrial life associated proof’s especially when it comes to their Mars Mission.

The shots pictured during Mission Mars in October 2015 by NASA looked like the remains of Buddha statue, claimed the UFO detector and YouTube guy Paranormal crucible. This fellow also detected a drone like structure back in November 2015 and this conspiracy outburst and directly influenced global premiere of the Star Wars Episode VII: The Force Awakens.

The stealthy treasure of UFO associated documentations for diehard UFO enthusiasts is presented here.