Truth Of Roswell And The Illuminati

In July 1947, the only story ever reported stating that the United States’ government recovered a flying saucer emerged from Roswell, New Mexico. As with many strange occurrences, this story was quickly hushed and revised to say that the military had found nothing more than a basic weather balloon. Until the 1970s, Roswell had largely disappeared from American folklore until army intelligence officer Jesse Marcel revealed that the military had orchestrated a cover-up for what was definitely an alien spaceship.

Following Marcel’s testimony, a flood of eyewitnesses began to emerge. Some saying that they had seen alien bodies, other UFOs, and even autopsies. Some of these accounts were little more than hoaxes, but those coming from army personnel were hard to dispute. As more and more Americans became convinced that Roswell was indeed an elaborate cover-up, the government realized that something had to be said to quiet the masses. In 1995, it released a report saying that what had been recovered was not a weather balloon but rather a crashed surveillance craft from Project Mogul, a secret program designed to spy on the Soviets’ nuclear program.

Most skeptics and fringe believers accepted the government’s new explanation. However, Roswell’s most devoted followers have written off the Project Mogul explanation as just another part of the cover-up, and their reasons are not crazy. Most UFO believers have a hard time convincing themselves that aluminum foil and balsa wood could fool someone into thinking that they had been part of an alien spaceship. Also, the testimony from Marcel reveals that the army had quickly replaced the true debris with junk in order to fool the media.

As with many conspiracies, the hard evidence has long since disappeared but those who were in on it from the beginning remain to tell their stories. Indeed, the government had covered up a UFO crash, and the Project Mogul story doesn’t hold water. First, the need for secrecy around the project would not have been needed by the 1950s, so why did the government wait until the 1990s to give its response? Second, the government has yet to provide records that show the launching of such a vehicle and how it went missing around the same time as the UFO crash. Third, aluminum foil is not going to be mistaken for a spaceship.

All of this adds up to something very sinister with the U.S. government, but how does it fit with the Illuminati? There are a few possible explanations. The first is that the NWO could not afford to reveal that superior beings had been in contact with Earth and covered up the crash to prevent people from knowing the truth. If the NWO divulged the true story, it could cause grave peril to its plans to conquer the world. People would be less likely to follow them and look more and more to the skies for leadership. The other explanation is that the Illuminati are in direct contact with an alien race and take their orders directly from these unknown beings.

This idea emerges more and more from popular culture and film. Hollywood has been releasing movies that continue to promote the notion that Earth was originally populated by alien beings who have since left but maintain subtle contact to check on the planet’s progress. Movies such as Mission to Mars, Alien vs. Predator, Prometheus, and Indiana Jones and the Kingdom of the Crystal Skull all promote this theory.

Seeing the message promoted in film reveals that the Illuminati are likely in contact with an alien race and receive their orders from them. That explains some of their most cryptic symbolism such as the pyramid, the Eye of Providence, and Masonic symbols. These symbols can also be seen in the films. Alien vs. Predator occurs in a pyramid as does Indiana Jones. It’s the pyramid that is the gateway to the alien race. It’s the Eye of Providence that represents this species and how they are always watching over us. Through film, the Illuminati are explaining how the system works. The secret order communicates with the aliens and implements their plans. Given the Illuminati’s motivations, it’s a safe bet that these beings are hostile to Earth. It could also be an explanation as to why the Illuminati participate in Satan worship.

If it wasn’t for the slip up at Roswell back in 1947, ordinary people may never have gotten a glimpse of the truth about what is behind the NWO. The first report that the army recovered a flying saucer was the correct one, not the subsequent fabrications. Newspapers occasionally make mistakes but retracting one story of such magnitude for one of virtually no significance doesn’t add up. A UFO crashed there and people saw it. The government tried to keep the eyewitnesses quiet and failed in the long run. However, the cover-up’s complete removal of all of the physical evidence has made the truth elusive. The Illuminati are thorough, but they can ill-afford a late start