Triangular-Shaped UFO Photographed at Tree-Top Level

Triangular-Shaped UFO Photographed at Low Altitude - Valley Forge, Pennsylvania (1-7-15)

By Roger Marsh

     A Pennsylvania witness at Valley Forge reported watching and photographing a triangle-shaped UFO hovering over trees in a nearby park, according to testimony in Case 62584 from the Mutual UFO Network (MUFON) witness reporting database.

The incident occurred on January 7, 2015, while the witness was driving home from work along northwest-bound Gulph Road through Valley Forge Park heading toward Phoenixville and away from King of Prussia.

“I noticed three very bright lights just over the tree line in the distance about the time I passed the Washington Memorial Chapel,” the witness stated. “The lights were side-by-side.”


[...] I also started to realize that whatever it was – it wasn’t stationary. It was moving, but slowly.”

Once the witness had an unobstructed view, she began taking photographs.

“As I got closer it was more apparent to me that this wasn’t a plane or a helicopter. I considered pulling over, but had someone behind me. It was also very dark and 17 degrees outside. But after my car had finally passed the lights I couldn’t describe anything beyond that because of how bright the three lights were. [...]
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