Why Many Vitamin Studies are Absolutely Worthless

Anthony Gucciardi
Activist Post

Does vitamin E naturally help protect against the effects of aging, or does it lead to liver damage and complications associated with lung cancer? Well, it depends on what the study authors want to tell you.

The synthetic version of vitamin E is a petrochemically derived analogue of natural vitamin E that is capable of disrupting the endocrine system, whereas the natural form of vitamin E is effective against aging, oxidative stress, and hundreds of other conditions.

The truth of the matter is that many — if not most — of vitamin studies are completely worthless, as they use isolated synthetic vitamins, or low quality multivitamin supplements loaded with toxic fillers and synthetic ingredients.

Study authors could use high-quality, food-based multivitamins without any fillers or harmful ingredients, but they generally do not.

Whether this is due to nutritional ignorance regarding the true nature of the pharmaceutical company-dominated supplement industry (think highly-popular Centrum, which we will soon discuss), or the fact that these researchers truly think that essential nutrients are damaging to your health; the fact of the matter is that very few studies utilize the right form of vitamins.

Synthetic and Carcinogenic Ingredients, Not Real Vitamins

When analyzing the ingredients within Centrum, the number one top selling vitamin brand, it is easy to see how studies can so easily tout the dangers of ‘vitamins’ when in reality they are actually exposing the dangers of synthetic ingredients and fillers that are known to damage your body.

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It should be no surprise to you that Centrum is produced by the Wyeth company, which is now a part of Pfizer. Here are some of the ingredients contained in the top-selling multivitamin Centrum, along with their adverse effects:

  • BHT: a fat soluble compound used in jet fuels, rubber, petroleum products, electrical transformer oil, and embalming fluid. Research has linked BHT to lung cancer, bladder cancer, DNA damage, and gastric cancer.

  • Boric Acid: a chemical oftentimes used as an antiseptic, insecticide, or flame retardant. Found to cause DNA damage.

  • Synthetic Vitamin A Acetate: a petrochemically produced byproduct that is capable of causing birth defects.

  • Cupric Sulfate: Used as an herbicide, fungicide and pesticide, copper sulfate is produced by treating copper metal with hot concentrated sulfuric acid or its oxides with sulfuric acid.

These are only some of the toxic ingredients contained in Centrum, ingested by countless consumers worldwide who think they are improving their health. Is it any wonder why any scientific studies conducted using this health-wrecking multivitamin would produce scary results?

The most concerning fact of the matter is that Centrum is held in high regard by many traditional doctors and health officials, who not only recommend it to their patients, but would most likely consider it the ‘gold standard’ of the multivitamin industry. This means that scientists looking to examine the effects of multivitamin use would be more inclined to choose this brand.

Even if it isn’t Centrum, the vast majority of multivitamin supplements contain synthetic ingredients, toxic fillers, and other unwanted ingredients.

The result of all of these studies using low-quality supplements is simple: bad press on vitamins as a whole, as the authors fail to correctly distinguish the difference between low-quality and high-quality supplements. As a response, people are scared to take legitimately healthy multivitamins and health supplements, or think that all vitamins are the same or threaten their health with products like Centrum.

There is a large difference between synthetic and natural vitamins, and there is a large difference between high-quality and low-quality supplements. Ideally you want to avoid fillers, synthetic ingredients, and toxic additives. In addition to the harmful ingredients listed, look out for sodium benzoate, sodium molybdate, titanium dioxide, hydrogenated palm oil, citric acid, calcium stearate, potassium chloride, calcium carbonate, and other unnecessary and potentially damaging ingredients.

Taking a high quality food-based multivitamin is optimal, preferably made with 100% organic ingredients or superfoods. It’s time that the truth be told concerning vitamin studies and the deception that goes along with them.

Explore More:

  1. NSI Synergy 3000 Multivitamin Review

  2. 4 Dangerous and Common Vitamin Fillers You Must Avoid

  3. Powerful Vitamin Protects Against Colon Cancer

  4. Why Everyone Should Supplement with Vitamin D

  5. Consumers Tricked into Buying Toxic Supplements as Sales Soar

  6. A Vitamin D Deficiency Could be to Blame for Depressive Winter Months

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