Up to 70 Energy Businesses and Advocacy Groups Spend Millions Lobbying In Massachusetts

By B.N. Frank

Lobbying isn’t illegal but most would agree that it has certainly created a lot of problems – mostly at the public’s expense, financially and otherwise (think Opioid Crisis).

Most wouldn’t be surprised to learn that telecoms spend big bucks on lobbying.  Many may not realize that energy companies are heavily targeted by lobbyists too. Unfortunately, most Americans aren’t able to create their own energy, and having safe and affordable access to it can be a matter of life or death.

In the U.S., public utility commissions are supposed to protect the public.  Over the last decade or so, they’ve been aligning themselves more with utility companies and lobbyists insteadOhio and Connecticut utility regulators were “wined and dined” by energy lobbyists in 2017.  Now it seems to be Massachusetts’ turn.   From Associated Press:

Companies representing a range of energy interests, from old-school oil and gas to renewables like solar and wind power, are pumping millions into lobbying efforts in Massachusetts.

In 2018, as many as 70 energy businesses and advocacy groups reported spending at least $5.3 million trying to get their messages through to Beacon Hill legislators and policymakers, according to an Associated Press review of public lobbying records. Some of the top spenders were involved in renewable energy.

The spending was much the same in 2017, when a similar number of groups spent about $5.1 million on lobbying.

Dangerous utility “Smart” Meters  (see 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7), LED streetlights, solar panels and more are forced on residents and communities because unscrupulous energy companies and their sidekicks want to make more money.  It’s just that simple.

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