Toxic Metals Arsenic and Cadmium Found in Baby Food

Mike Barrett
Activist Post

As our society has been moving with haste away from raw and natural foods and more towards processed foods, we are seeing a surge of toxic contaminants such as heavy metals leaking into our food. The heavy metals in our food alongside with heavy metals found in vaccinations and other forms of exposure are paving the way for wide-spread heavy metal poisoning. One particular form of heavy metal poisoning our society may be facing is arsenic poisoning.

The growing concern over arsenic exposure and arsenic poisoning is very real. Our bodies are being exposed to heavy metals in amounts that, in some cases, don’t exceed the “safety” limit put in place by government organizations. But with all of these “small amount” and with some amounts being completely unsafe, our bodies are being completely invaded by the exposure to these heavy metals.

Arsenic must be especially better controlled at is it being found in our food time and time again. A few months ago, baby foods in the UK were found to have some levels of arsenic – so much so that the babies who ingested the food were exposed to fifty times the amount of arsenic compared to a breast-fed baby.

The same foods contained even more heavy metals such as cadmium, which leads to neurological and kidney damage. The babies’ exposure to cadmium was 150 times more than the exposure to breast-fed babies.


While the level did not exceed “safety” limits, the low-level heavy metals arsenic and cadmium are invading the body of a completely under-developed child. A child’s vulnerability to any substance is exponentially higher than that of a fully developed person. What’s more, these “safe” levels of arsenic exposure are not only in baby food, but are everywhere. Many vaccinations are filled with heavy metals which include arsenic, lead, and mercury.

Arsenic is not only found in baby food; it also resides in other foods, juices, and water. In mid-September of this year Dr. Oz ran his own tests on apple juice and found that many apple juice brands contain high amounts of arsenic. Arsenic has even been found in the livers of animals which are treated with certain drugs in order for them to gain weight and be protected from a parasitic disease. What’s more, alongside with various other chemical and harmful substances, arsenic is is very present in the water supply.

Not only can arsenic exposure lead to arsenic poisoning for the developed adult, but the heavy metal’s effects are drastically intensified for a baby. Despite many of the amounts being small, the total amount of arsenic exposure anyone is subject to is anything but small. Alongside with arsenic, other heavy metals like lead, mercury, and cadmium which was also present in the baby food, pose a real health risk.

To lessen the health risks brought about through arsenic and other heavy metals:

  • Breast feed babies instead of giving them baby food. Breast fed babies have been shown to be much healthier than babies fed baby food or formula anyway.

  • Avoid processed food. You can expect higher levels of arsenic or any deadly chemical for that matter if you consume processed food instead of raw, organic food.

  • Buy a water filter. This will limit the amount of arsenic consumed through consumption.

  • Buy a shower filter. Skin is the largest organ in the body and one hot shower can yield the same amount of exposure to harmful chemicals as drinking 8 glasses of unfiltered water.

  • Perform a heavy metal cleanse to flush out the heavy metals that are already in your body.

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