Research Says Cell Phone Radiation Prematurely Ages Skin and 5G Irritates Eyes, Skin, Sweat Ducts, and More

By B.N. Frank

It’s bad enough that cell phones have been found to be 10X dirtier than a toilet seat.  Last year Reader’s Digest reported “Warning, Cell Phone Addicts: Your Phone Is Aging Your Skin.” The article focused on exposure to Blue Light or High-Energy Visible Light (HEV) as the culprit but it’s not the only one.

Exposure to Electromagnetic Radiation (aka Electrosmog) can age us, too, and more than just skin deep.  Dr. Magda Havas refers to this as “Rapid Aging Syndrome.”

In fact, research has proven that all sources of cell phone and WiFi radiation disrupt the blood-brain barrier which can cause it to leakImagine what that’s doing to your skin before it gets to your brain – rashes, flushing and other skin yuckiness.  Adding insult to injury – trying to medically cure epidermal debacles may be futile since exposure can cause bacteria to become antibiotic resistant.

Recently the Chicago Tribune reported that 11 smartphone models exceed federal RF safety limits and now there is a class action lawsuit against Samsung and Apple.  In 2018, French scientists determined that 9 out of 10 mobile phones exceeded federal safety limits.  What’s worse – RF safety limits were established in 1996 so they don’t even apply to today’s phones or how we use or are exposed to them and all other wireless sources (see 1, 2).

Activist Post has published some articles about sources of Blue Light causing poor eye health including macular degeneration and blindnessResearch has also determined that 5G exposure affects eyes too – and skin and sweat ducts and more (see 1, 2, 3).  Despite increasing opposition – forced 5G installation is continuing anyway throughout the U.S. and around the world.

Telecoms have been warning shareholders that they may eventually become liable for harm caused by their products and infrastructure.  Insurance companies don’t seem interested in doing business anymore with them either.  Regardless, unless something changes fast, the future doesn’t look pretty for any of us.

Activist Post reports regularly about health issues caused by exposure to all sources of Electrosmog and all risks associated with the “Race for 5G.”  For more information, visit our archives and the following websites:

Image credit: Pixabay

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