Public Awareness Results in Increased Removal of Fluoride from Community Water


Dr. Mark Sircus, Contributor
Activist Post

A growing number of communities are choosing to stop adding fluoride to their water systems, even though the federal government and federal health officials maintain their full support of this practice. It was an insane idea from the beginning to add toxic fluoride to the public’s water supply and now that money is getting scarce more people are willing to confront and stop paying for this medical insanity.

Such has been the grip of medical and dental terrorism that it is taking a financial collapse to finally put a stop to the horror of enforcing the mass administration of a medication on men, women and children without control for dosage, side effects or preexisting medical conditions.

200 jurisdictions from Georgia to Alaska that have chosen to end the practice in the last four years, motivated both by tight budgets and by skepticism about its benefits. — New York Times

There are many reasons to stop fluoridation, all of them good ones. It stunts the development of a child’s brain thus lowering IQ, a basic measure of intelligence. Fluoride collects in bones and the thyroid gland where it acts as a thyroid poison thus potentially causing bone cancer, hypothyroidism and thyroid cancer. A report released late last year by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention linked fluoride to an increase among children in dental fluorosis, which causes white or yellow spots on teeth that cannot be removed. About 40 percent of children ages 12 to 15 had dental fluorosis from 1999 to 2004. Teeth with fluorosis are usually brittle and start to crack and split in adults.

Excessive fluoride can lead to increases in bone fractures in adults as well as pain and tenderness. –New York Times

Fluoride causes brittle bones. There is nothing good about this rat poison for that is what it was sold as before they started putting it in the water. It is a chemical waste byproduct not suitable for human consumption of any kind. Pharmaceutical companies of course see it differently. Fluoride is one of main ingredients in antidepressants, such as Prozac and Zoloft. Both are dangerous with many side effects.

This statement reported in the Times is one of the most ridiculous things I have read in a long time: “Keeping fluoride in water is especially important today because many people cannot afford dental care, public officials say,” which is a quote by Dr. William Bailey, chief dental officer for the Public Health Service and acting director for the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention’s division of oral health. He went on to say: “Fluoridation helps people of all ages and income groups. And it helps people who can’t get in to receive care.”

The Case Against Fluoride by Dr. Paul Connet tells us that the fluoride going into the drinking water of more than 180 million people each day is not even pharmaceutical grade, but rather a hazardous waste product of the phosphate fertilizer industry.

It is amazing how warped people’s minds can get. How anyone thinks that poison put into our water supply is going to help us or save us money is beyond my imagination. The movement to stop fluoridating water is gaining traction but not fast enough yet.

Christopher Bryson’s widely acclaimed book The Fluoride Deception includes dozens of peer-reviewed studies showing that sodium fluoride is a deadly neurotoxin that attacks the central nervous system and leads to a multitude of serious health problems but the federal government and people of responsibility have lost their ability to understand and act to protect the people, that’s how corrupt they have become.

Fluoride was used by Nazis to sterilize inmates and make them docile. Fluoride a key dumbing-down ingredient of Prozac and Sarin nerve gas and many other medications.

Pharmacologist and toxicologist, Dr. Phyllis Mullenix, in a 1995 Forsyth Research Institute study, found that rats who had fluoride added to their diet exhibited abnormal behavioral traits. A 2008 Scientific American report concluded that “Scientific attitudes toward fluoridation may be starting to shift” as new evidence emerges of the poison’s link to disorders affecting teeth, bones, the brain, and the thyroid gland, as well as lowering IQ. The Scientific American study “concluded that fluoride can subtly alter endocrine function, especially in the thyroid.”

“In summary, evidence of several types indicates that fluoride affects normal endocrine function or response; the effects of the fluoride-induced changes vary in degree and kind in different individuals. Fluoride is therefore an endocrine disruptor in the broad sense of altering normal endocrine function or response, although probably not in the sense of mimicking a normal hormone,” reported the National Research Council of the National Academies in 2006.

Fluoride and Cancer

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In 2005, a study conducted at the Harvard School of Dental Health found that fluoride in tap water directly contributes to causing bone cancer in young boys. “New American research suggests that boys exposed to fluoride between the ages of five and 10 will suffer an increased rate of osteosarcoma—bone cancer—between the ages of 10 and 19,” according to a London Observer article about the study.

The link to bone cancer has also been discovered by other scientists, but a controversy ensued after it emerged that Harvard Professor Chester Douglass, who downplayed the connection in his final report, was in fact editor-in-chief of The Colgate Oral Health Report, a quarterly newsletter funded by Colgate-Palmolive Co., which makes fluoridated toothpaste.

Kidney Disease & Diabetes

An August 2006 Chinese study found that fluoride in drinking water damages children’s liver and kidney functions. In June 3, 2008 a new position paper from the National Kidney Foundation concludes that individuals with chronic kidney disease should be notified of the potential risk from exposure to fluorides. Diabetics historically have never been told or warned about the fact that fluoride intake might worsen blood sugars and eventually might push them over the edge to kidney failure and thus dialysis.

Reports have shown that the intake of excessive amounts of fluoride causes polydipsia [excessive thirst].[1]

The conclusion from the available studies is that sufficient fluoride exposure appears to bring about increases in blood glucose or impaired glucose tolerance in some individuals and to increase the severity of some types of diabetes. In general, impaired glucose metabolism appears to be associated with serum or plasma fluoride concentrations of about 0.1 mg/L or greater in both animals and humans.


In addition, diabetic individuals will often have higher than normal water intake, and consequently, will have higher than normal fluoride intake for a given concentration of fluoride in drinking water. An estimated 16-20 million people in the U.S. have diabetes mellitus; therefore, any role of fluoride exposure in the development of impaired glucose metabolism or diabetes is potentially significant.” [2]

In animal experiments tripheyltin fluoride interfered with insulin release from rabbit beta-cells and/or TPTF decreased the sensitivity of islets to release insulin in response to increasing levels of blood glucose[3] The concentration of fluoride recommended for fluoridation programs (the sacrosanct “1.0 part-per-million”) is deemed to be entirely safe when it really is not. Dr. M. A. Roshal, in a 1965 journal issued of the Leningrad Medical Institute, reported that intake of fluoride even at the apparently “safe” concentration of 1.0 part per million caused derangements in blood sugar balance.[4]

Existing data (1993) indicate that subsets of the population may be unusually susceptible to the toxic effects of fluoride and its compounds. These populations include the elderly, people with deficiencies of calcium, magnesium, and/or vitamin C, and people with cardiovascular and kidney problems. Because fluoride is excreted through the kidney, people with renal insufficiency would have impaired renal clearance of fluoride. Impaired renal clearance of fluoride has also been found in people with diabetes mellitus.[5]

At the level of 0.4 ppm renal (kidney) impairment has been shown.[6]

Patients with reduced glomerular filtration rates have a decreased ability to excrete fluoride in the urine. These patients may develop skeletal fluorosis even at 1 ppm fluoride in the drinking water. The National Kidney Foundation in its “Position Paper on Fluoride—1980” as well as the Kidney Health Australia express concern about fluoride retention in kidney patients. Fluoride must be removed from water used for dialysis, but people with kidney stones, transplants, or other kidney issues ingest it in drinking water, foods, drugs, and from other sources without anyone keeping track of their total fluoride intake.


What we are going to see is a general collapse in our present medical paradigm for reality will no longer support it. Contracting human activity (economic recession) is beginning to expose the flaws in our civilization and the selfish rationality that created it. In terms of arrogance, selfishness and pride, what is coming our way can only be good for it will lay low what has been held up too high.

See sources for this article at IMVA.

Dr. Mark Sircus is a natural health expert and self-sufficiency advocate. He is the author of several must-read books including titles such as Survival Medicine For the 21st Century, Winning the War on Cancer, and Humane Pediatrics. You can find all of Mark’s informative articles at his website IMVA.

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