Pilot Speaks Out About Chemtrails And HAARP

Barry Davis, atms/cl.
Before It’s News

The intent of this information is to create a strong interest in Chemtrails and HAARP so that people will want to sit with their government representatives and encourage them to stop both.

First, a little about myself. After completing a year at technical school, I went into marine engineering. I joined Caterpillar to complete a four-year apprenticeship, and a further 2 years to complete my master journeyman status. As time progressed, I went into sales and management becoming the world’s largest in the products we sold. During this time I became very interested in flying, earning my private and commercial licenses. During my flying, now over 44 years, I have flown many aircraft and have owned two. I love machinery whether it be a bulldozer, boat, plane, sawmill mach., pulp mill mach., building mach., paving mach., trucks, autos, buses, etc.  If it is heavy and moves, I love it! This should give a person a good idea why I should have no trouble understanding how Chemtrails and HAARP function.

My interest in Chemtrails and HAARP started in 2002 by accident.

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