PG&E Knew Its Powerlines Could Spark Fires And Did Nothing. Ditto On Their Wireless Smart Meters.

By B.N. Frank

Why All Utility Customers Should Be Concerned About Smart Meter Fires.

Many people are aware that Pacific Gas & Electric (PG&E) is being held responsible for California’s widespread devastating and deadly wildfires.  A recent article reports that documents obtained under the Freedom of Information Act reveal that the company knew for years about fire risks and did nothing to prevent them.

The failure last year of a century-old transmission line that sparked a wildfire, killed 85 people and destroyed the town of Paradise wasn’t an aberration, the documents show. A year earlier, PG&E executives conceded to a state lawyer that the company needed to process many projects, all at once, to prevent system failures — a problem they said could be likened to a “pig in the python.”

Many still may not be aware that PG&E customers and their insurance companies have also been filing lawsuits against the company because of their wireless Smart Meters catching fire and/or exploding.

PG&E may not be your utility company but these Smart Meter fires and explosions are happening everywhere

In fact, these types of meters are known for all kinds of problems – including health issues.  Nobody should be forced to have these dangerous devices on their homes. Communities shouldn’t be forced to accept them from their utility companies.

Wherever there are Smart Meters installed, there are people fighting to get them replaced with original analog meters because of fire risk and much more.

Activist Post reports regularly about Smart Meter issues.  For more information, visit our archives and the following websites:

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