PG&E and California Fire Foundation Join Forces to Reduce Wildfire Risk — Why Replacing Smart Meters With Analog Should Be Part Of Their Plan

By B.N. Frank

Everybody and their grandma probably know by now that Pacific Gas & Electric (PG&E) are in deep doo-doo for the widespread destructive and deadly California wildfires. But many still may not know that PG&E customers and their insurance companies have been filing lawsuits against the utility company because of their wireless Smart Meters catching fire and/or exploding.

This being the case, one big way to reduce ANY fire risk is for the California Fire Foundation to insist that PG&E immediately replace all the utility’s Smart Meters with original analog meters.

According to an article from Energy Central, this doesn’t seem to be on the agenda right now.  Fingers crossed they decide to do something about this sooner rather than later.

Smart Meter fires and explosions are not isolated to California PG&E customers.  These meters cause all kinds of other problems too – including health issues.  Nobody should be forced to have these dangerous meters on their homes. Communities shouldn’t be forced to accept them from their utility companies.

Wherever there are Smart Meters installed, there are people fighting to get them replaced.

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