Government Ignored 1998 Report Finding up to 100 Cancer Deaths from TSA Naked Body Scanners Per Year

Anthony Gucciardi
Activist Post

Has the government known since 1998 that the TSA body scanners could be giving you cancer?

An explosive report has exposed the carcinogenic effects of  X-ray body scanners, finding that up to 100 United States airline passengers each year could get cancer from the machines. Despite the report coming out years ago, millions of Americans still walk through the carcinogenic TSA X-ray body scanners, also known as naked body scanners.

While many passengers may not develop full-blown cancer as a result, radiation is truly unsafe at any dose. Furthermore, the long-term usage of the X-ray body scanners have not been fully studied — the number of cancers caused by the machines may actually increase over time.

In 1998, a panel of radiation safety experts got together to analyze a new security device called the Secure 1000, which was designed specifically to beam X-rays at people to see underneath their clothing. The experts pointed out in their evaluation that the machine violated a basic principle of radiation safety — they stated that humans simply should not be X-rayed unless there is a specific medical benefit.

Previous research confirms cancer link

The research suggested that anywhere from 6 to 100 US passengers could develop cancer each year as a result of passing through the naked body scanners. The findings correspond with the statements of Dr. David Brenner, head of Columbia University’s center for radiological research. Dr. Brenner warned that children and people with gene mutations whose bodies are less able to repair damage to their DNA are most at risk.

‘If all 800 million people who use airports every year were screened with X-rays then the very small individual risk multiplied by the large number of screened people might imply a potential public health or societal risk. The population risk has the potential to be significant,’ said Brenner.

Yet the TSA still claims that the naked body scanners are completely safe, issuing no warning over the link to cancer — not even a warning to those who are especially at risk as highlighted by Dr. Brenner.

It appears that not only are the TSA body scanners intrusive upon personal privacy, but they are also health destroyers. 

Explore More:

  1. Radiation Scientists Speak Out Against Naked Body Scanners

  2. Naked Body Scanners | 5 Most Health and Privacy Damaging Aspects

  3. Nationwide Opposition to Airport Body Scanners Grows, “Opt-Out” Day Emerges

  4. Big Pharma to Charge 115,200 Dollars Per Patient Each Year for New Lung Cancer Drug

  5. Mobile Phones Cause ‘Five-Fold Increase in Brain Cancer Risk’

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