GlaxoSmithKline Forced Illiterate Parents Into Signing Over Children in Illegal Vaccine Experiments

Dees Illustration

Anthony Gucciardi
Activist Post

Perhaps the most disturbing fact to come out of the recent reports exposing GlaxoSmithKline’s illegal vaccine trails is that the company actually recruited doctors to force illiterate parents to sign over their babies for experiments — experiments that ultimately led to the deaths of 14 babies and an unknown number of adverse reactions.

According to experts, the motivation to perform these deadly experiments may not have simply been to examine the effectiveness of the shots outside of the United States where such testing is illegal, but to generate profits.

Of course laboratory trials on humans are not legal in Argentina either, though GSK has gotten away with the experiments since 2007 until Judge Marcelo Aguinsky cracked down on GSK following a report by the National Administration of Medicine, Food and Technology (ANMAT in Spanish) exposing the baby deaths.

Interestingly, eye witnesses also began to come forward such as hospital workers that observed the corrupt workings of GSK in the recruitment of doctors whose sole purpose was to force illiterate parents into signing over their own child into these illegal experiments.

Pediatrician Ana Marchese was working at the Eva Perón children’s public hospital in Santiago del Estero during the time the studies were being conducted. During a radio interview, she revealed the full story behind the GSK cover-up, announcing that GSK Argentina actually set a protocol at her hospital and began recruiting several doctors working at the location.

Once these doctors were on board with the illegal experiments, certain patients would ‘automatically disappear’ and be taken to another location to meet with GSK-backed physicians. She stated:

These doctors took advantage of many illiterate parents whom take their children for treatment by pressuring and forcing them into signing these 28-page consent forms and getting them involved in the trials.

This is where the doctors would target poor, illiterate families with babies under the age of one to participate in the experiments. Marchese also noted that such procedures are not legal and occurred without any state knowledge or control. In fact, they don’t comply with even the very minimum of ethical requirements.

Explore More:

  1. GSK Fined Over Illegal Vaccine Experiments Killing 14 Babies

  2. Major Poll: 63% Agree Parents Should Decide Childhood Vaccine Schedule, Not Government

  3. Immunize Your Child or Lose Benefits, Parents Told

  4. Survey | Parents Waking Up to Vaccine Dangers

  5. Obese Ohio Child Taken from Parents, Placed in Drug-Crazy Foster Care

  6. Harvard Professor Calls for Parents of Obese Children to lose Custody

Please visit Natural Society for more great health news and vaccine information.