“Full Measure with Sharyl Attkisson” — Solar Tech Being Forced on CA Residents. Even Advocates Say It’s NOT Eco-Friendly Or Cost-Effective

By B.N. Frank

I know I’m not the only one who would like to see solar power work so well that we could forever eliminate our need for fossil fuels.  However, it peeves me to no end when technology is promoted as “clean”, “eco-friendly”, and “beneficial to customers” even though it clearly isn’t (like utility Smart Meters) and when it’s forced on people (like utility Smart Meters).

Full Measure with Sharyl Attkisson recently aired a segment called, “Solar Opposites.”  It’s an enormous bummer for those who believe that current solar power technology is the answer to our prayers.  Anyone incensed about toxic technology intentionally created with short lifespans and ending up in landfills may want to grab a pillow to punch:

Some call it the “dirty little secret” of this “clean” energy source: from start to finish, solar panels leave a trail of hazardous waste. An Associated Press investigation found that over five years, 17 of 41 solar panel manufacturers in California produced 46.5 million pounds of sludge and contaminated water. 1.4 million pounds of waste was transported to nine other states.

Sharyl: So this is your house?

Matare: It is, we’ve been here for about 10 years.

Sharyl: And did you try the solar panel thing?

Matare: We sure did.

Adding to the waste issue— Matare says many of today’s solar panels don’t last very long. He showed us where he removed solar panels from his own house after less than three years.

Sharyl: You mean this spot?

Matare: This spot right here, yes. And this has happened not just here, but on a few other houses that I designed, and the owners installed panels that did not last.

Sharyl: Used solar panels are already a global environmental threat, according to the pro-nuclear power group Environmental Progress. It found that solar panels create 300 times more toxic waste per unit of energy than nuclear power plants. Households with solar roofs produce up to 60 percent more electronic waste than non-solar households.

Matare: I think they will find that many of these panels that are installed, they’re going to go straight to landfill, and it will be a groundwater issue. There’ll be an issue with disposing of these materials and ultimately reclaiming them. It’s like the everything from cell phones to computers, it’s nasty, nasty stuff.

Activist Post reports regularly about utility Smart Meters.  Millions have been installed in the U.S. and around the world despite their many documented problems (including fires and explosions).  For more information, visit our archives and the following websites:

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