Children May Be Given Death-Linked Anthrax Shots Under Bioterrorism Scare Trials

Dees Illustration

Anthony Gucciardi
Activist Post

Obama administration officials are debating whether or not a study should be launched which would lead to injecting healthy children with the anthrax vaccine in an experiment to “see whether the shots would safely protect them against a bioterrorism attack.” Of course the safety of the anthrax vaccine has been questioned in the past by health professionals and the former Senate Majority Leader — also a physician. That is why the Obama administration is using the threat of bioterrorism as a method of getting the public to submit to the study through fear.

The administration had mainstream health officials touting the vaccine as a way to ‘protect’ the children from the threat of bioterrorism.

“At the end of the day, do we want to wait for an attack and give it to millions and millions of children and collect data at that time?” said Daniel B. Fagbuyi of Children’s National Medical Center in Washington, who chaired the group. “Or do we want to say: ‘How do we best protect our children?’ We can take care of Grandma and Grandpa, Uncle and Auntie. But right now, we have nothing for the children.”  

Evidence shows the anthrax vaccine is dangerous

Daniel B. Fagbuyi portrays the study as a necessary means of protecting the children, but evidence shows the anthrax vaccine is actually quite dangerous — not ‘protective’ as the Obama administration officials make it out to be. In 2001 when letters containing anthrax were mailed to several congressional leaders, former Senate Majority Leader and physician Bill Frist spoke out against the shot. He told CNN:

“There are very real and potentially serious side effects from the vaccine and anyone who elects to receive the vaccine needs to be made aware of that. I do not recommend widespread inoculation. There are too many side effects and if there is limited chance of exposure- the side effects would far outweigh any potential advantage.”


In a 2007 report by the CDC in conjunction with theVaccine Healthcare Centers of the Department of Defense and the watchdog group Government Accountability found that ”between 1 and 2 percent” of vaccinated military personnel experienced ”severe adverse events, which could result in disability or death.”

Between 2001 and 2004, the FDA Vaccine Adverse Event Reporting System (VAERS) received 4,136 spontaneous adverse event reports: 347 (8.4%) were reported as serious.

Serious adverse events include: death, hospitalization, permanent disability, or are life-threatening. There were 16 deaths.

If the anthrax vaccine is to bested on children, perhaps it should be tested on the children of those who are calling for the study. The Obama administration should be willing to inject their own children with the anthrax vaccine if they are so confident that the test is necessary. Ignoring the warnings of physicial Bill Frist and the 2007 CDC report, government officials are now calling for your children to be injected with the anthrax vaccine in order to ‘protect’ against bioterrorism, so why wouldn’t they want their own children to be protected? Perhaps it has to do with monetary incentive. 

The almighty dollar behind the anthrax vaccine push 

On May 2, 2011, mega corporation Emergent Biosolutions announced that the federal government would be purchasing 3.42 million doses of the anthrax vaccine to add to the civilian anthrax vaccine stockpile. Emergent Biosolutions was formerly known as Bioport, the manufacturer of Biothrax, which is the only anthrax vaccine approved by the FDA.

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The purchase adds about $101 million to the overall contact for the DHHS’ anthrax stockpile, boosting the value to about $500 million. The company has made $2.4 billion since 2004 alone, which could climb to over $2 billion if the government purchases the 75 million doses it said it needed. This purchase is in addition to the military anthrax vaccine stockpile.

In fact, the Washington Business Journal reports that Emergent generates the majority of its profits from federal public health agencies.

‘Emergent proudly supports the U.S. government’s efforts and unwavering commitment to meet its stated need of 75 million doses of anthrax vaccines,’ said Fuad El-Hibri, chairman and chief executive officer of Emergent BioSolutions. ‘This contract is an indication that BioThrax remains a critical component of the government’s arsenal of biodefense medical countermeasures. In addition to this contract modification, we are continuing discussions with the U.S. government regarding a follow-on procurement contract, which we anticipate will cover a multi-year period.

Emergent Biosolutions also secured a $186.6 million contract for a recombinant protein antigen to combat anthrax and a $28.7 million contract for a third-generation vaccine.

The question is how did Emergent Biosolutions manage to obtain such profitable US government contracts for the anthrax vaccine?

According to political analyst Scott Lilly:

The Emergant model extracts contracts from the US government at exorbitant high profit margins, compared to the cost of manufacture. The vaccine vials expire after 3-4 years, requiring continuous replenishment–guaranteeing sales of at least $100 million / year to the manufacturer for the foreseeable future.  However the expenditure throws taxpayer money into a black hole.

Is the DHHS pushing the dangerous anthrax vaccine just to justify vaccine profits? 

The disturbing history of government health and vaccine trials 

The history of US health and vaccine trials is so unnerving that President Obama has described one such event as ‘shocking,’ ‘tragic,’ and ‘reprehensible’. Obama made these statements in October of 2010, when he apologized to Guatemala for tests conducted during the 1940s that deliberately infected 700 prisoners with syphilis to examine the effects. The researchers went so far as to pour the syphilis-causing bacteria onto the bodies of prisoners with skin abrasions. Another method involved forcing the prisoners to sleep with prostitutes.

The 40-year long Tuskegee experiments were another gruesome ‘experiment’ of the United States government. In order to perform the study, the US Public Health Service withheld syphilis treatment from infected black men to measure the effects of the disease. Again, this took place over a 40 year period.

As you can see, the anthrax vaccine is controversial for a reason. It is a risky, dangerous, and even deadly vaccine that has a questionable history going as far back as its production.

Please visit Natural Society for more great health news and vaccine information. 

More Anthrax Vaccine Contracts Issued: 44.75 Million Doses of BioThrax Over 5 Years