America Betrayed & Deceived

Anti Fed Ed Warriors, we’ve often seen movies or read books which pose the question ‘What if everything you knew was based off a lie?’ How many fact-based researched articles, magazines, and, books have we read which totally alter what we were taught in school?

For example, years ago, my mother gave me a book called “Mayflower”.

The book was written by Nathaniel Philbrick. In the book, he details actual facts about the real story of America’s birth after the Mayflower Pilgrims landed. Whatever you learned about (or may have taught about the Mayflower BASED off what you’d learned and available resources) is absolutely NOT what took place.

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Warriors, this is simply one example. However, I think you can see the point. If what we’ve learned and passed on is not factual, what our students take with them certainly cannot be truthful either.

Are there other instances we’ve been lied to in education without knowing it? Yes!

How many of us remember being taught that Pres. Lincoln was the “Great Emancipator”?


(Original image source, emphasis added is mine)

Interview link is here. Comments about Lincoln, Marx, and, Darwin are near the 13 minutes time stamp. Sources for the fact-based research of David Zuniga, are here.

Warriors, why does this matter in 2019? Because what foundations were laid THEN continue to SHAPE our path as a nation NOW.

Warriors, think of just HOW toxic the foundation of lies about freedom/slavery, the economy, and most of all, racism has become simply BASED off one side of history. The ONE side the government has manipulated!

IF you think there’s no way the 37th and 38th Congressional Sessions were used, I urge you to take time and go back to look. I did. Did you know that the 37th Congress gave the President (Lincoln) the power to declare State residents as insurrectionists?

Did you know the 37th Congress also impacted education? In the Library of Congress link above, use ‘control F’ on your computer and type in ‘education’, you’ll see it mentioned 58 times. One mention even shows that Congress directed parents to choose schools. Warriors, Congress, NOT the States; as in the Constitution’s 10th Amendment!

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Did you know the 38th Congressional Session impacted education; especially for the Native American tribes; a total of 68 times? It’s one of the first times, I’ve seen so many Native American tribes mentioned being paid at the ‘pleasure’ of the President or Congress. Federal money is taxpayer-funded.

Taxpayer dollars paying for education at a national level! Unconstitutional! While Article 2 of the Constitution allows the President to appoint citizens to serve at his pleasure, there is nothing which states he can use Federal funds to be used ‘at his pleasure’Congress, per Article 1, can pay debts, but I did not see any instance where a debt is the same as a ‘pleasure’.

Warriors, this predates the 20 US Code 1232a, which prohibited the federal government from overreaching into education. However, even without that federal law, the Constitution was violated.US fed statute

Trade and the economy were also set up to create what has become a ‘command economy’ back in the 37th and 38th Congressional sessions.

Warriors, even the ‘market economy’ is squeezing out We the People. How? Private corporations!

(Original image source, emphasis added is mine)

Just think, the ESSA (Every Student Succeeds Act) mandated MORE P3s get involved in education! How is a P3 based on a lie for America? Fascism! Public money is used WITHOUT the public’s input and by the private groups DIRECTING the agenda.

Add David’s Interview To Mine:

Warriors, just the day before David’s eye-opening interview on Settings Brushfires, my interview highlighted the treason and propaganda Congress and the CCSS Machine (from a global level on down) which has become a foundation of lies for America.

I urge you to listen to David’s interview FIRST, then follow with mine. You should see a disturbing pattern we’ve been witness to our entire lives and didn’t realize it! Our foundation as a country has been in trouble since before you and I were born, certainly before our children and the current generation.

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Related Resources:

1) Warriors, don’t forget the 100 year trail of education’s demise in America has been traced already. As I’ve shared before, Berit Kjos researched that and has a  very informative booklet with dates, names, organizations, and, more.

2) I’ve shown you, repeatedly, the blending of education and workforce throughout America’s history. Be sure to look at this article’s alignment from US ‘education’ to the UN (United Nations) model.

3) This researched article showed how MN was one of the very first States to get an indoctrination of workforce prep education from the UN.

4) Under President Truman, the UN’s Charter was signed and America became the first nation to bow down. That was 1945, WarriorsChapters 8-11 of the Charter, specifically lay out Marxism for not only government control of the citizens, but of the economy.

5) UN ideology in American education mirrors every ‘ism’ EXCEPT Patriotism!

6) A huge foundation of lies for America is found in STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering, and, Math). Many Americans want to ignore this truth. I hope you choose to acknowledge it. It’s sole purpose it to be the last nail in the American nation’s coffin.


Warriors, in September, I’ll be looking at more American betrayal in our education system. The 116th Senate Chamber of Congress has declared September 2019 as “Workforce Development Month”. What a betrayal to our children.


Article posted with permission from Lynne Taylor

Tim Brown

Tim Brown is an author and Editor at,, and He is husband to his "more precious than rubies" wife, father of 10 "mighty arrows", jack of all trades, Christian and lover of liberty. He resides in the U.S. occupied Great State of South Carolina. . Follow Tim on Twitter. Also check him out on Gab, Minds, MeWe, Spreely, Mumbl It and Steemit