95% of Soy Products May be Damaging Your Health

Andre Evans
Activist Post

Soy has been pushed as a popular health food for a very long time.

Used by vegetarians and vegans as an alternative to meats, and applied to a score of other health foods, soy foods have been popularized and commercialized as one of the ultimate health foods.

However, around 95% of soy can actually be damaging to your health.

Soy Foods: Healthy or Unhealthy?

Soy is the second most genetically modified crop following corn. This means that unless otherwise noted, the vast majority of soy products that a health conscious consumer is using are actually causing them harm due to the unnatural and volatile process of genetic modification.

With 95% of all soy crops being genetically modified in order to be made ‘Monsanto Roundup Ready,’ not only are you receiving genetically defiled food, but food saturated with pesticides. Using genetic modification, most soy plants are tailored to resist high levels of toxic pesticide spraying that would kill a normal plant rapidly. The pervasive nature of GMO contamination threatens to spoil even organic soy plants.

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But even still, soy in its base, unfermented form does little in substituting for real animal proteins, providing adequate nutrition, and contains estrogenic isoflavones that interfere with the body’s ability to produce hormone properly.

There is a cumulative effect produced where if a person is consuming soy based products regularly like a mainstream vegetarian or vegan might, they are throwing their body into a state of constant strife. The body responds to the multiple stimulations of trace toxins, pesticides, genetically modified food, and hormonal imbalance, and attempts to do so with inadequate levels of nutritional intake. Eventually, their health begins to rapidly degrade in multiple forms.

An interesting case study recently published highlights a 19 year old whose continued consumption of soy products led to infertility and sexual impotence. This gives credence to merely some of the effects a soy based diet has on the human body.

Despite this, not all soy products are bad. Traditionally fermented soy foods found in Asian countries like Miso and Natto produce beneficial qualities through fermenting, but the generally processed and packaged soy ‘veggie’ foods, unless otherwise stated, are likely to create similar kinds of problems to that of a conventional diet.

Ultimately, it’s noteworthy to state that even in what seems to be an undisputed truth, there can be fallacies and preconceived notions that are supported by appearances. For years health conscious individuals have been easily led to believe that these products provide a superior level of quality and nutrition, and yet they fall victim to the same traps a conventional eater might. Similarly, many doctor and professor-centered opinions on health, science, or otherwise may be rooted in fallacy. It’s up to you to find out for yourself what is true and what is false.

Explore More:

  1. How to Know if Your Food is Conventional, Organic, or Genetically Modified

  2. Report Finds ‘Natural’ Cereal Products Loaded with GMOs, Pesticides

  3. Cost of Organic Food Verses Conventional | Paying for Health

  4. Tell Whole Foods and Trader Joe’s to Label GM Products – Take Action

  5. New Genetically Modified Creation Threatens Health, Environment

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