FREE Rerun of Online EMF Health Summit Featuring 34 of World’s Leading Experts, June 14-20, 2019

By B.N. Frank

Digital, electronic, and wireless products, infrastructure, and applications continue to be invented, promoted, and installed despite decades of research that prove exposure to Electromagnetic Fields (EMF) and Electromagnetic Radiation (EMR) are biologically and environmentally harmful.  The “Race for 5G” and all it entails is taking this to a whole new level of awful.  The telecom industry can’t provide scientific evidence that 5G is safe and many researchers say it’s definitely not.  Regardless “the race” to install it continues worldwide despite increased warnings and opposition.

Thanks to Lloyd Burrell of Electricsense for airing a free viewing of last year’s EMF Health Summit.

From Lloyd:

Headaches, fatigue, depression, brain fog… sound familiar? Learn how to know in just 7 days if your symptoms are EMF related & what to do to start the healing process.  

Could cell phone radiation really cause and cancer? Regular cell phone use by adults can increase the risk of gliomas (brain tumors) by 40%. FACT. Discover simple ways to protect yourself.

Do you suffer from inflammation like 60% of Americans? Discover a simple technique that takes just 20 to 30 minutes that reduces inflammation and brings about significant pain relief… with no side effects.

Would you like to improve your sleep? Learn how to improve your sleep and reduce your nighttime exposure to EMFs by up to 90% with one simple FREE change in your bedroom.  

Would you like to reverse the aging process? It sounds to good to be true I know, but you can also learn how to reverse the aging process and put yourself in control of your life and future.  

At the EMF Health Summit I’ve gathered together 34 of the worlds leading experts on EMFs and health including medical doctors, scientists, researchers, building biologists, electrical engineers, nutritionists and electromagnetic field specialists.

These experts are passionate about dispelling the health myths and confusion around the effects of cell phone radiation, particularly 5G, dirty electricity, Wi-Fi and many other forms of EMF’s – and they’re eager to share everything they know to help you and your loved ones.

Register at:


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