An Age of Insanity When an Ex-Barmaid Has a National Voice

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 It is a disturbing experience to listen to the rambling comments of 30-year old ex-barmaid, Alexander Ocasio-Cortez (AOC). As you listen to the ignorance, inaccuracies, and naïve views, you understand why the Founding Fathers limited the age of eligibility for President to 35. The question is why do her views receive so much attention?

The answer is because a group of technocrats saw an opportunity to push non-issues onto the stage without the danger of association. It is a technique seen as essential for control in today’s insane world. It is called plausible deniability and Obama was probably as good a practitioner as any to date.

If you lack the abilities required to wangle your way to the top or prefer to control from the shadows, then a public figure is an alternative. Obama started as such, a person chosen by George Soros and created by Valerie Jarrett. He was only supposed to serve one term but became enamored of the power and privilege of the job. In Obama’s third year Soros announced he would not support him for a second term. By that point, Obama decided to run and only succeeded because three million Republicans refused to vote for Romney.

The Democrats have no clear political leader or even a potential leader on the horizon. The ones who are apparently considering the position are so far left that they guarantee a loss at the next election. A large number of Democrats will not vote or even vote for Trump. A report said that some 30% of attendees at his recent rally in Grand Rapids Michigan are registered Democrats. They also have no policies because Trump usurped their traditional sectors of American society and their issues.

AOC is one of hundreds of thousands of people with web sites on which they regularly post commentaries. Her comments are not extraordinary or outside of the ordinary, whatever that is on the internet. The first thing that took her above the mob was an election to Congress, but that raises the same questions. What made her stand out above the large number of Democrats in her New York district? The level of ignorance in all aspects of politics, history, and economics was on display after her election. It was undoubtedly worse before she was elected, which makes the question of how she ran for office more pressing.

AOC introduced the Green New Deal (GND), but it is not new because it is a retread of the climate actions set out in Agenda 21. It is equally obvious that AOC had no part in its production and didn’t understand it. So, why is she talking about it and displaying her ignorance? Simple, she is a puppet of technocrats who want the issues on the front page because it is about using the environment as a global threat that they claim needs total government control. They know from polls that the public is not interested. They know Trump trumped all their traditional issues. Enter, AOC with shallowness and blind ambition which is so ignorant as not even to realize she is ignorant. The perfect dupe as one article reported.

More interestingly, the Democrats have shoved AOC out in front as the spokes-maven for all of their most ambitious and hare-brained socialist ideas. The latest is a so-called “Green New Deal.” The plan would have the US completely dependent on non-fossil fuel by the year 2030.


These people know that in the age of political correctness that they created it is very difficult to challenge a woman from a minority presented as epitomizing the American dream. A woman whom the publicity said fought her way out of impossible situations and did it in the face of white male supremacy. AOC is the modern equivalent of Joan of Arc (1412-1431). Nobody ever asks why Joan, an 18-year-old woman, ended up in uniform fighting against the English. Joan was a pawn of the French King, Charles VII, who was losing to the English and wanted a negotiated peace without loss of status. He apparently used her as a person more likely to negotiate peace with the English than a man.

As we see with all these AOC type stories, people, but especially women, are picked out for a cynical political purpose. This exploitation was on full display during the Justice Kavanaugh debacle. They trotted on to the stage a steady stream of women to play a part like Joan, with what they genuinely believed was an important nation saving function. Now, only a year later, they are on the rubbish heap of history. It is unlikely they will receive the forgiveness of an inquiry, like Joan did, and achieve the honored position as a savior of their country. All they got was their Warhol 15 minutes of fame, which consisted of deer blinking in the headlights of cynicism.

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