WHAAAT? Fox News analyst says Deputy AG Rod Rosenstein THREATENED Intel Chair Nunes and panel members in meeting WEEKS ago (Video)

(National SentinelFISA Abuse: Fox News legal analyst Gregg Jarrett said during an appearance on “Hannity” Friday night following the release of the FISA memo earlier in the day with a stunning claim.

During the interview, Jarrett told host Sean Hannity and others that sources told him Deputy Attorney General Rod Rosenstein, who took oversight of the “Russia collusion” investigation after AG Jeff Sessions recused himself, threatened House Intelligence Committee Chairman Devin Nunes, R-Calif., and other GOP members of the panel over the FISA memo.

“I can tell you a congressional source tells me that Rod Rosenstein in a meeting three weeks ago threatened Chairman Nunes and members of Congress he was going to subpoena their texts and messages because he was tired of dealing with the intel committee,” Jarrett said.

“That’s threats and intimidation,” he added to a stunned Hannity.

Meanwhile, Fox News contributor Sara A. Carter, an investigative reporter for Circa News, added that the revelations contained in the FISA memo are merely about “10 percent” of what else is coming in terms of the abuses associated with spying on the Trump campaign by the Obama administration.

“This is even more important,” she said. “The investigation is now going to be reversed.” She added that Republican members of Congress would now be calling for a special counsel to investigate anyone who was tied to using the unverified “Trump dossier” in order to fool the FISA court into issuing a surveillance warrant so Obama-era FBI and Justice Department officials could spy on Team Trump.

“They’re going to look at criminality here,” Carter added.


[youtube https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=k33Gj28K2YA?version=3&rel=1&fs=1&autohide=2&showsearch=0&showinfo=1&iv_load_policy=1&wmode=transparent&w=620&h=379]

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