It BEGINS: GOP lawmaker calls for Comey, McCabe, others TIED to FISA memo abuse to be JAILED for ‘FISA court fraud’

(National SentinelConspiracy: A Republican lawmaker is calling for former and current ranking FBI and Justice Department officials to be indicted for their role in committing “fraud” against the Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Court following the release of the FISA Memo.

U.S. Rep. Louie Gohmert, R-Texas, a former judge himself, said that former FBI Director James Comey, former deputy director Andrew McCabe, Justice Department official Bruce Ohr should face prison for using what they knew to be a political document — the notorious “Trump dossier” — in order to secure a FISC warrant to allow the bureau to spy on the Trump campaign.

As reported by The Daily Caller:

A FISA court judge has grounds to hold Department of Justice officials including Bruce Ohr in contempt of court for making misrepresentations about the sources of information used to obtain a surveillance warrant against a Trump associate, a former judge and Republican congressman said.

“I think it’s important to know who the FISA judge was, and why with all the info he’s had for some time, he has not put anyone in jail for committing fraud on his court,” Gohmert, who serves on the Committee on the Judiciary, told the news site.

“You shouldn’t be able to get quotes from Bruce Ohr or [former FBI Director Jim] Comey or [deputy director Andrew] McCabe because they ought to be sitting in jail for committing fraud upon the court,” he said.

The FISA memo was released at noon on Friday, revealing serial abuses of the Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Court by upper echelon officials in the FBI and Justice Department to prevent Donald J. Trump from becoming president, and to undermine him after he defeated Hillary Clinton in November 2016.

Per Fox News, as many suspected, the discredited and unverified “Trump dossier” was used not once but on three separate occasions to secure a FISA court surveillance warrant to allow the Obama administration to spy on Team Trump during his campaign.

In addition, Hillary Clinton, U.S. media outlets, and ranking officials within DOJ and FBI including former FBI Director James Comey, former deputy director Andrew McCabe, and Deputy Attorney General Rod Rosenstein were all aware that the dossier was a political document, not a serious piece of intelligence work, the memo explains.

As Fox News reported further, the four-page memo [which you can read here] also “includes testimony from a high-ranking government official who says without the infamous Trump dossier, the FBI and DOJ would not have secured surveillance warrants to spy on at least one member of the Trump team.”

The dossier was commissioned by opposition research firm Fusion GPS, who hired former British spy Christopher Steele to compile it. The dossier was paid for in large part by the Democratic National Committee and the Hillary Clinton campaign.

Ohr’s wife went to work for Fusion as the dossier was being compiled and disseminated throughout the Washington media.

The memo said “Ohr’s wife was employed by Fusion GPS to assist in the cultivation of opposition research on Trump. Ohr later provided the FBI with all of his wife’s opposition research, paid for by the DNC and Clinton campaign via Fusion GPS. The Ohrs’ relationship with Steele and Fusion GPS was inexplicably concealed from the” court when it was used to obtain a surveillance warrant.

Sen. John McCain, R-Ariz., who criticized the memo’s release, also gave a copy of it to the FBI.

Gohmert said that the FISA court judge shouldn’t find any of this acceptable.

“This was an action by the DNC and known collusion with top officials at the DOJ and FBI to commit a fraud upon the FISA court,” he added.

But he also noted that the FISA court judge’s own actions ought to be examined more closely.

“The judge has to have known for months now that he or she had a fraud committed against them and he or she has done nothing,” he said.

“Any judge worth any salt would have called them in for hearings, and he can even order anyone who committed fraud upon the court to go to jail. This judge is either worthless or is in cahoots with those who manipulated it.”

While attorneys can be sanctioned by bar associations for fraud upon the court, judges can also hold attorneys in contempt of court for such violations, said Gohmert.

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