Sweden: Migrants Recruiting Children For Islamic ‘Youth Army’

A network of criminals in Sweden are recruiting child migrants to serve in an Islamic “youth army” – a Swedish court has heard.  

Intercepted conversations between an X-team lead and his Bandidos contact revealed the pair discussing how to groom Muslim refugees for recruitment, Sveriges Radio reports.

Breitbart.com reports: “It is good. We can shape them. They become hyper-loyal, you know, when we put together a life for them,” the Bandidos contact gloats.

Police analyst Sven Granath told listeners migrants typically begin their criminal careers around age 18 — although a very large proportion of ‘child’ migrants subjected to age tests are found to be significantly older than they claim.

While Sweden’s pro-mass migration political class has been reluctant to provide the public with information on the ethnic background of criminals following a spike in sex attacks, independent research has indicated that up to 85 per cent of gang rapes involve men with a migration background.

There are concerns victims may be more reluctant to come forward if the perpetrators have links to feared crime syndicates like the Bandidos.

The news comes as the Swedish Crime Prevention Council (Brå) reveals the Scandinavian country has reached its “highest level of reported cases of fatal violence since 2002 when [we] began to compile statistics”, with young men in Sweden being around two times more likely to be shot dead than their counterparts elsewhere in Europe, despite tight gun controls.

Indeed, Bosnian prosecutor Goran Glamocanin has claimed that liberal Sweden is now the number one market for black market weaponry sourced from the conflict-wracked Balkans, due in large part to “high demand”.

Sweden is also remarkable for a shocking number of grenade attacks, with criminals using the military explosives at least 43 times in 2017.

The situation in Sweden has deteriorated to such an extent that patriotic, conservative-leaning politicians in Central European countries like Hungary — which has refused to go down the path of mass migration and state-sponsored multiculturalism despite significant pressure from the European Union — now hold it up to voters as something of a cautionary tale.

This is a cause of significant irritation for the Swedish establishment, which is facing a surge in support for the Eurosceptic, anti-mass migration Sweden Democrats party ahead of national elections in September, with the Swedish education minister asking Hungary’s governing Fidesz party to stop referencing Sweden as a practical example of mass migration’s failings.

[youtube https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=n40tm2P374w?feature=oembed&w=678&h=381]