Italy’s New Coalition Vows To Leave European Union

Italy’s new conservative coalition has plans to pull the country out of the European Union and form closer ties with the United States and Russia, according to a leaked report that has sent shockwaves through Europe.

The explosive manifesto, entitled Government for Change, reveals plans for Italy to leave the crumbling EU, as well as controversially calling for closer ties with Russia and demands to be released from the European Central Bank’s financial shackles.

The 39-page document emerged as Italy’s political deadlock looks set to continue with Forza Italia leader Silvio Berlusconi refusing to stand aside to let his anti-EU election allies Lega form an anti-EU government with anti-establishment party 5Star Movement.

The Express reports: President Sergio Mattarella has demanded action after a third inconclusive round of coalition talks and warned party leaders to find an agreement, accept a “neutral government” or go to the polls all over again.

However pundits believe the nationalist parties Lega and 5Star Movement are likely to form a coalition and form a conservative government, clearing the path for Italy to reject the European Union and its globalist agenda and throwing it’s weight behind Russia and President Putin’s respect for national sovereignty.

The joint Government for Change programme appears to show plenty of common ground between Lega and 5Star Movement and is signed by their respective leaders Matteo Salvini and Luigi Di Maio.

The leaked report makes pleasant reading for anyone who is against the globalist agenda. It appears Italy is about to follow Britain out of the European Union. The report demands radical change in Italy’s relationship wth Brussels with “a need to revise EU treaties” and to “re-discuss the Italian contribution to the EU”.

On the international front, the new nationalist coalition in Italy would consider the US, a “privileged ally”, while at the same time establishing “the opening to Russia, to be perceived not as a threat, but as an economic and commercial partner”.

During the election campaign Lega promised “the immediate withdrawal of sanctions imposed on Russia” and the rehabilitation of Moscow as a “strategic interlocutor” in crisis areas such as Syria, Libya and Yemen.

On public finance, Mr Salvini and Mr Di Maio resolve to ask European Central Bank chief Mario Draghi to cancel the £250 billion government bonds it owed.

According to the Express, the parties have issued a joint statement insisting the report is a draft that is subject to change and contains many proposals that had been amended.

However the general direction of the new powers in Italian politics — pulling themselves out of the European Union and the crippling shackles of the European Central Bank — must be applauded. The future of Europe is looking brighter.