Bernie Sanders: ‘Israel Should Be Condemned’ For Killing Unarmed Kids

Sen. Bernie Sanders condemned Israel’s “terrible” response to violence on the Israel-Gaza border during an interview Monday, saying that innocent women and children are being killed. 

“Do you believe, as many human rights groups — American, Israeli, Palestinian, European — are saying, that the IDF snipers shooting kids, people in wheelchairs, are those war crimes?” Hasan asked.

“Those are terrible actions,” Sanders said. “Instead of applauding Israel for its actions, Israel should be condemned. Israel has a right to security, but shooting unarmed protesters is not what it is about.”

“Today’s violence seems to be almost in direct response to the embassy move — some would say an illegal embassy move — how much do you think Donald Trump is responsible for today’s violence?” Hasan asked.

“It doesn’t matter what it is,” Sanders said. “Obviously Trump is playing a very counterproductive role in every sense.”

About Iran, Sanders said he worries closeness with Saudi Arabia could lead to “an Orwellian nightmare of never-ending war.”

“This is a despotic regime run by a number of multi-billionaires,” Sanders said about Saudi Arabia.

“We talk about the war on drugs being a failure, well what about the war on terrorism, should we start rethinking that?” Sanders asked.
