How government elites planned to survive a nuclear attack

The US has a secret network of bunkers primarily built during the Cold War era to protect government officials in case of an atomic bomb

Presidents Kennedy, Eisenhower, Roosevelt and Truman knew there was only enough room for an elite few, but still assured citizens they would be safe in the event of a nuclear war

There is a bunker for officials under the White House, near Camp David and several scattered around the US

The wives of public officials would not be admitted to the elite hideout but secretaries would

There was also a plan to survive off rabbit meat, wild birds and civilian pets when food rations ran out

President George Bush, Vice President Dick Cheney and Secretary of State Condoleezza Rice were ushered into the bunker under the White House on 9/11

In a plan as brutal as it was logical, the President and his inner circle would be saved while tens of millions of ordinary Americans would be incinerated.

Realizing that there was no way to save the population, the conclusion was that 'the government would protect itself and let the rest of us die' writes national security expert Garrett M. Graff.

According to his new book, 'Raven Rock: The Story of the US Government's Secret Plan to Save Itself', the governments of Presidents Kennedy, Eisenhower, Roosevelt and Truman publicly assured people that a nuclear strike could be survivable.