Britain's UFO 'X-Files' Quietly Released

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Britain's UFO 'X-Files' Quietly Released
Secret dossier is believed to relate to a close encounter
that's often described as the UK's very own 'Roswell' incident
     The National Archive has opened up a cache of 15 files from the Ministry of Defence that divulge details of mysterious incidents in British skies.
By Margi Murphy
The Sun

They include material relating to an unsolved encounter that’s been likened to the Roswell UFO incident in America.

The incident took place in December 1980, when three military personnel claimed to see flashing bright lights and a triangular shaped object near an RAF base in Rendlesham Forest, Suffolk.

An investigation was opened but the mystery remains unsolved.

But alien hunters will have to wait a little longer to find out the truth, thanks to the process that’s been put in place to read these newly released files.

They have not been digitised, so enthusiasts must join a queue to inspect the paper records at the National Archive’s reading room in Kew, West London.
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