Speaking in Ohio and DC This Week

I'll be traveling this week. 

First, on Tuesday, May 31st, I will be speaking at Hugh L. Bates Lodge 686 in Hamilton, Ohio, near Cincinnati. It is their "More Light Night," and all Masons are welcome to attend.  Dinner will be at 6:30 PM, and the presentation will be at 7:30 PM. The Hamilton Masonic Temple is located at 724 High Street, and I'm looking forward to seeing my Ohio and northern Kentucky brethren there. Please RSVP to: hughlbates@aol.com They are asking for a donation of $10 for the evening. Also see their Facebook page for the event.

Then on Saturday, June 4th, I will be in Washington, D.C. as part of Union Lodge No. 6's annual barbecue and meeting. The lodge will hold their brief quarterly meeting at noon, followed by the picnic at 2:30 PM. After everyone is suitably stuffed (expected to be about 4:00 PM or so), Brother Pierre "Pete" Normand and I will be discussing the ups and downs, prizes and perils of the Masonic publishing world. In the early 1990s, Pete edited and published the American Masonic Review, the renowned national publication of the St. Alban's Research Society. He went on to edit The Plumbline, the quarterly publication of the Scottish Rite Research Society. And most of you probably know what I've been up to over the years, between books, blogs, and the Journal of the Masonic Society. As a result (or in spite) of our respective scribblings, Pete and I are both members of the Society of Blue Friars.

The event will be held outdoors at 1734 Lamont Street Northwest in Washington. Tickets for the barbecue and presentation are $75, and should be purchased online via Eventbrite HERE. Something tells me with Pete there, cigars will be involved somewhere along the line.

And just as a reminder, I'll be in New Jersey and New York  June 13th and 14th. Details HERE.