Woman Claims To Be Alien / Human Hybrid with Ongoing Extraterrestrial Contact

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Lea Kapiteli

     It takes a bit of courage to do what 22-year-old Lea Kapiteli did on Saturday night. Far easier to stay at home.

She went public for the first time. The venue was the Ryde Eastwood Leagues Club. The organisers: UFO Research NSW.
Tim Barlass

Ms Kapiteli told the group that it has been happening since she was five. She sees things.

She says she has interacted with extraterrestrials on numerous occasions. She describes them, knows their names, culture and history. She creates captivating illustrations of what she has seen. There are even drawings of herself in what she describes as her astral body.

Then she goes further. She calls herself a Starseed, Homo Novis or "new human", said to be highly intuitive and possessing multidimensional abilities beyond the five senses. [...]
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