Louisiana Masons to Confer "Vacant Chair Degree" to Honor Fallen Soldiers 5/30

(PLEASE NOTE: The date that was originally sent to me and posted here last night was incorrect! If you marked your calendar or shared this event on Facebook, Twitter or elsewhere prior to noon today, please make sure you go back and pass the word that the actual date is May 30th!)

Eastern Star Lodge No. 151 in Winnfield, Louisiana will host a Memorial Day event at the Beville Street Lodge Hall on May 30th, 2016 at 7:00 PM.

The Brethren of Eastern Star Lodge, O. K. Allen Lodge No. 33, and Pelican Civil War Lodge #1861 have  all joined together and will confer the beautiful and moving “Vacant Chair Degree.”  This formerly secret ritual was created to honor Master Masons who died serving  in the various wars fought since the founding of our country.  Recently it was modified to honor all soldiers killed in battle, and was opened to the public.  
Be assured this is not the Vacant Chair Ritual you are familiar with, or as we like to say, "This ain't your daddy's Vacant Chair Degree," but is an entirely new take on an old idea. 
Due to extensive programming on the History Channel along with popular movies and books referencing Freemasonry that have appeared in recent years, there has been a dramatic rise in interest in all things Masonic.  By allowing everyone to witness the stark beauty of this ritual, we hope, in a small way to satisfy that interest.  If you have ever been curious about Freemasonry or Masonic Rituals, this is a must see event for you.
We hope you find time to attend and help us honor those who died that we might be free. To die for one's country is the highest act of a patriotic citizen and deserves the highest honor.  They spent their blood in defense of our American way of life and we must never forget that a great debt is owed to those who served and died.  
It is a debt which we can never repay.

The ceremony will begin at 7:00 PM, and it is open to the public. Everyone is invited. Please bring your friends and family and experience this unique Masonic ritual.