Kimberly finally released! And #StopTheRaids work continues!

Karen Lucas,
April 15, 2016

Dear friends,

After more than 10 weeks of detention, an immigration judge finally granted Kimberly her freedom. Kimberly has been separated from her Atlanta family and friends since January 27, when ICE arrested her in a raid on her way to school. Despite multiple appeals for Prosecutorial Discretion – and more than *25,000 signatures* on the petition for her release – ICE never did the right thing. Even after the immigration judge granted her stay of deportation, even after the immigration judge reopened her case because she never had a chance to present her asylum claim, and even after the judge gave Kimberly a $1,500 bond—the lowest amount that can be set—ICE refused release, saying they wanted to appeal the order!

Now, finally, Kimberly is free to pursue her asylum claim. Thank you to all of the thousands of people who have shown their support for Kimberly and called on President Obama to #StopTheRaids. Your voices hold this administration – and future administrations – accountable. And you helped Kimberly to keep going. You gave her and her family hope.

There is still so much more work to be done. The Administration continues to use these aggressive enforcement tactics that spread fear throughout communities and target those fleeing horrific violence in their home countries. Its treatment of Kimberly is just one glaring example.

*Keep up the fight to #StopTheRaids.* And know that your support matters. Assist advocacy by sharing stories of new raids in your community using AILA’sonline monitoring tool. To take further action, reach out to your members of Congress and to the White House through AILA’s Take Action to #StopTheRaids link.



Read about Kimberly Pineda Chavez's detention: