FLYBOARD AIR: An Amazing, Real Hoverboard with Autonomous Flight Up To 10,000 ft | VIDEO

FLYBOARD – An Amazing, Real Hoverboard with Autonomous Flight Up To 10,000 ft

     Invented by Frank Zapata in 2012, Flyboarding (aka, using one of those water jet hover board things) has grown from a novelty into a full-fledged competitive sport. Now, Zapata Racing is prepared to revolutionize the field again — this time with the Flyboard Air, a hover board that does away with the water propulsion system and uses only air to zip you across the sky. If you ever dreamed about being the Green Goblin, here’s your chance.
By Kelly Hodgkins


In the new Flyboard air, riders are now untethered thanks to an integrated turbine engine and are free to fly as high as 10,000 feet. According to Zapata Racing, the unit is capable of flying as fast as 90 miles per hour and has enough power for a 10 minute flight.

In a demonstration video, Zapata is shown flying effortlessly over a body of water, reaching a height of 30 meters (98 feet) and a speed of 55 km/h (34MPH) during the 3.5 minute flight. The unit is still in the prototype stage and will continue to undergo testing and refinement for the remainder of 2016. With a successful public flight under his belt, Zapata is now on par with David Mayman and Nelson Tyler, who last year demonstrated their JB-9 jetpack by flying around the Statue of Liberty. [...]
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