Soul-Catching Net: We Are “Recycled” at Death to Remain in the Matrix

The idea of a soul-catching net or soul net that awaits us at death – and keeps us in the Matrix – is a grim and highly disturbing notion, but one which I believe has to be considered by all serious researchers of the global conspiracy. True free thinkers want to know exactly where the global conspiracy rabbit hole ends.

Just how far does the suppression go? Past this lifetime? Past this planet?

Well, the answer may well be yes to both. After you spend years of research going through the many layers of political corruption, corporatocracy, surveillance, false flag attacks, central banking, GMOs, geoengineering, Zionism, Illuminati bloodlines, the radiation agenda, UFOs and ETs, alien intervention and more, you come to realize that the true source of the suppression is at the intersection of consciousness and conspiracy.

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