Rand Paul Destroys the ‘Rotten Crumb-Nibus’ $1.3 Trillion Spending Bill

(ANTIMEDIA) — On Thursday, the House went on a $1.3 trillion spending spree and passed an omnibus package that will fund the government through October. Although the agreement was reached six months late, the legislation passed easily by a margin of 256-167, with 145 Republicans and 111 Democrats voting in favor and 90 Republicans and 77 Democrats voting against. The passage of the 2,232-page bill means Congress has narrowly avoided a government shutdown (it was scheduled to occur at midnight on Friday). Or has it?

U.S. Senator Rand Paul is fed up with Congress’ drunken sailor spending style and is looking to challenge the bloated spending package as it reaches the floor of the Senate. Despite being given approximately 24-hours to read the 2,000-plus pages of financial waste before a possible vote, the senator from Kentucky has decided he will not only read the entirety of the bill, which he has repeatedly called “terrible” and “rotten,” but will also tweet out highlights of where taxpayer dollars are actually going.

As of this writing, Paul is roughly 500 pages into reading the legislation and has already uncovered a mountain of waste. You can read the senator’s tweets below. This story will be updated as more tweets become available.

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