MoviePass is effectively dead and will shut down September 14

If you’re still a Movie Pass subscriber for some reason, it appears tonight is your last chance to use the service. In an “I hope no one notices” late Friday press release, the company announced it “would be interrupting the MoviePass service for all its subscribers effective September 14, 2019,” and it is “unable to predict if or when the MoviePass service will continue.”

It’s one of the most dramatic tech flops in recent memory. Once upon a time, MoviePass offered film aficionados the ability to pay $10 a month and see almost any film as often as they’d like. As it turns out, you can’t make a profit by allowing people to see unlimited movies for little over the price of an average single movie ticket every month.

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MoviePass promptly ran out of money, angered its few remaining subscribers by constantly changing its benefits and pricing, and at one point already shut down because it couldn’t pay its creditors.

As it stands, parent company Helios and Matheson is looking into a potential sale. Given MoviePass hacked away at what little goodwill it had left, I wouldn’t hold my breath.


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Now that MoviePass is dead, can we please start funding sensible businesses?