Lee County Sheriff’s Office & Florida State Attorney’s Office Completely Dropped The Ball On Victim Of Grand Theft

In the ongoing story of Deanna Williams, not only a victim of rape, but also a victim of the justice system, the Lee County Sheriff’s Office (LCSO), Sheriff Carmine Marceno, the Florida State Attorney’s Office and the Southwest Florida enemedia, documents have now been obtained to demonstrate that she clearly went to LCSO to file the criminal complaint before appointed Sheriff Marceno began to unethically pursue her for sex.  Additionally, documents show the neither LCSO nor the State Attorney’s Office did what they should have done in the investigation, but rather deferred to the Florida Bar, which has absolutely no authority to deal in criminal matters.

As I have laid out before, Ms. Williams settled a civil case in which she had accused a Major League Baseball player of raping her in 2009.  Following the settlement, Ms. Williams paid a substantial six-figure amount to attorney Gloria Allred, the attorney representing victims in the Jeffrey Epstein case, in addition to the agreed-upon percentage for Allred’s fees to Ms. Williams’ previous attorneys.

Allred failed to comply with paying those attorneys, which resulted in a lawsuit brought by those attorneys just a little over a year later.

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During the course of that lawsuit, one of the attorneys allegedly sold the right to sue Ms. Williams to a Ft. Lauderdale attorney named Scott Mager.  Mager was allowed to pursue Ms. Williams by swindling a judge with a case that was not even close to being similar to the one Ms. Williams was involved in.  That same judge was later busted in a prostitute sting.

According to Ms. Williams, she hired attorney Ware Cornell to represent her in the matter.  However, Ms. Williams claims that Cornell had spoken to Mager in what appears to be a collusion to steal $200,000 from her in order to make a deal with Mager.

Now, documentation obtained through the Lee County Sheriff’s Office website substantiates the fact that not only did a crime occur, but high ranking members of LCSO ignored the prime issue at stake:  grand theft took place by Ms. Williams’ attorney.

Here are the documents:

Lee County Sheriff’s Of… by Tim Brown on Scribd

The documents were part of a public records request that sought all documents that were pursuant to Ms. Williams’ criminal filing and the status of that filing.  As you can see, these include the court record, as well as the retainer agreement between Ms. Williams and Ware Cornell.

You will note on page 3 that there is an order by Judge Jay B. Rosman dated November 20, 2017 that indicates he is distributing funds of $200,000 between Ms. Williams and Mr. Mager.

However, if you have been following this story, you would know that this reporter contacted Ware Cornell to ask if he had written authority to intercept funds that were, but a lawful settlement, to go directly to Ms. Williams, and which he has written in his retainer agreement would be paid to him for services.  Instead, after intercepting the $200,000 payment from the attorney for the MLB player, Ware claims he had inherent rights to do so, not written authorization.  In fact, Ms. Williams claims that she did not know he had intercepted the money until he informed her when she desired to fire him for filing his appearance in the wrong case, which led to a judgment against her.

However, on page 19, Brittne Hitchens, representing Cornell & Associates, P.A. did not discuss the means that Cornell use to steal Ms. Williams’ money, but only pointed to the court’s direction of distribution of those stolen funds.

Sergeant Tim Dugan seems to be the only officer involved that kept questioning how Cornell obtained those funds, which is the crux of the grand theft complaint.

In an email on page 20, Dugan said that Ms. Williams’ attorney which she hired after Ware Cornell, Mike Chionopoulos, agreed the state attorney’s office that Ms. Williams should file a BAR complaint against Cornell.

That’s right, LCSO failed to fully investigate the matter, the state attorney’s office, now headed by Amira Fox, whose husband was ironically assigned to Ms. Williams when she wanted to file a BAR complaint.  Williams protested that it was a conflict of interest.

While the BAR certainly can investigate a complaint against an attorney, they have no legal authority to determine crimes.  That is the business of LCSO, and the determination of prosecution comes from the state attorney’s office.

Neither LCSO nor the state attorney’s office bore their responsibility and thus left a rape victim to become not only a victim of grand theft by Ware Cornell, but subsequently, a victim of grand theft by attorney Michael Chionopoulos who aided Scott Mager in stealing another $200,000 from Ms. Williams and entered an affidavit with the court attesting to his part, but failed to have it set for hearing.  Thus, Ft. Lauderdale attorney Scott Mager is knowingly in possession of at least $300,000 in stolen funds.  I know this due to a conversation between Ms. Williams and one of his associates at Mager Paruas.  A BAR complaint has been filed against Mr. Mager so far.

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James Rankine, a former FBI agent, who was assigned to investigate former LCSO Sheriff Mike Scott and then undersheriff Carmine Marceno, somehow didn’t find anything worth bringing criminal charges against either and later found himself a plush six-figure job at LCSO, much like many of Marceno’s political opponents, while good, honest employees were pushed out.  Rankine’s hiring is extremely suspicious.

Rankine somehow got involved in an email dated July 24, 2018, but apparently none of the LCSO officers took the time to actually investigate the matter.

Instead of investigating, which would not have taken much effort, they let the SAO determine that Williams go to the BAR for criminal action when they have no authority to do anything about it.

Dugan’s email dated July 23, 2018, indicates that both LCSO and the SAO washed their hands of their responsibility and attempted to toss it back to Ms. Williams and the Florida BAR stating, “We have reviewed the provided court documents and spoke with SAO JD Miller in detail about this complaint.  since it involves BAR certified lawyers, court ordered decisions, and technicalities involving the local judicial system, it was determined that the best course of action would be for Ms. Williams to report her complaint to the Flordia BAR so that they can conduct the investigation.  If they find any criminal violations, they will forward the investigation to the State Attorney’s Office for appropriate action.”

However, Dugan said that they didn’t “see anything criminal in manner in what occurred,” probably due to the fact that his main question he continued to ask in an email dated May 14, 2018, “Is there any other documentation that shows why Mr. Cornell accepted the initial $200,000 payment rather than the money going directly to Mrs. Williams?  Why did he accept the money and hold it until the judge ordered it to be disbursed as stated in the court order?  In short, who gave Mr. Cornell the right to accept the money in the first place?”

That is something LCSO never got to the bottom of that the SAO was not interested in.  Therefore, how in the world could Dugan and LCSO claim that they didn’t “see anything criminal in manner in what occurred”?

They didn’t investigate, plain and simple.

This was also the conclusion of a former law enforcement officer in the area that I spoke to about this issue.  He informed me that by the LCSO not investigating and determining that there was no evidence that he had stolen the money or that he had stolen it, they had not done their job.  Additionally, the SAO also failed to do the right thing and pointed Ms. Williams to the Florida BAR, which does not determine crimes.

Finally, in an email dated July 23, 2018, Captain James Rankine stated that then-undersheriff Marceno had met with Ms. Williams on that day concerning her complaint, which had already been submitted.  This shows that Marceno inserted himself into the process to provide “personal” service to Ms. Williams, which turned out to be an unethical abuse of his power to pursue a victim of crime for his own gratification under the guise of helping her.  For more on that, see his messages and texts prior to that meeting here.

While people continue to bad mouth Ms. Williams, the facts are speaking for themselves, and facts are stubborn things.  Lee County Florida has a corrupt sheriff, sheriff’s office and state attorney’s office.  LCSO let Ms. Williams down in her rape case, and then they not only let her down in a grand theft matter, but allowed their own sheriff to abuse his power and put her through hell as a result.  Meanwhile, conservatives like Sean Hannity, Governor Ron DeSantis and AG Ashley Moody remains silent and impotent to deal with the crimes of those in office against Ms. Williams.

Meanwhile, Ms. Williams continues to need support via her GoFundMe page, which can by reach by clicking here.

Previous articles in this series with documentation mentioned in this article:

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Article posted with permission from Sons Of Liberty Media

Tim Brown

Tim Brown is an author and Editor at FreedomOutpost.com, SonsOfLibertyMedia.com, GunsInTheNews.com and TheWashingtonStandard.com. He is husband to his "more precious than rubies" wife, father of 10 "mighty arrows", jack of all trades, Christian and lover of liberty. He resides in the U.S. occupied Great State of South Carolina. . Follow Tim on Twitter. Also check him out on Gab, Minds, MeWe, Spreely, Mumbl It and Steemit