Gohmert: Mark Meadows would be ‘outstanding’ chief of staff who would protect POTUS Trump

(National SentinelFaithful: Texas GOP Rep. Louie Gohmert said Sunday he believes House Freedom Caucus Chairman Mark Meadows, R-N.C., would make an “outstanding” chief of staff for POTUS Donald Trump as reports surfaced that he was high on the president’s list of potential candidates to replace outgoing CoS John Kelly.

Not only does Meadows “have a good head on his shoulders,” Gohmert said Meadows would be a faithful servant of the president and shield him from political enemies within the White House and throughout the Executive Branch who are out to destabilize his administration.

“Mark would make an outstanding chief of staff. Nothing is ever done until a formal announcement is made, as we’ve seen over and over, but President Trump needs someone who understands his number one job is to protect the president, and that means to protect him from people in the White House, within the different departments that have been out to do destroy his presidency all along,” Gohmert told Breitbart News Sunday on SiriusXM radio.

“It would be great if Mark were the chief of staff, he would be terrific. Mark knows that there are still people in the White House and the Old Executive Office building, State Department, a number of departments, that are out to bring down this president,” he said, adding that discussed it with Meadows earlier this summer.

“He’s got a great head on his shoulders and in fact, I talked to him about in July,” Gohmert said.

Meadows’ name has surfaced as a ranking contender for the job of chief of staff. Meadows’ congressional district is considered safely red and he’s been one of POTUS’ staunchest allies in the House, working to pass the president’s America First agenda including repeal of Obamacare and full funding for the proposed border wall.

For the record, no matter what reports said regarding retired Marine Gen. John Kelly’s “rocky” relationship with the president, he came in at a time when POTUS’ White House was chaotic and in flux as a steady, disciplined voice of reason. For that we thank him, along with his decades of service to our country.

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