Fukushima Disinformation Continued As Japan Indicates Dumping Radioactive Contaminated Water Into Pacific Only Option

The triple nuclear meltdown of Japan’s Fukushima Daiichi nuclear power plant has continued to contaminate the surrounding areas of Japan for the last eight years following the devastating tsunami in 2011.  One meltdown was bad enough, which the Japanese electric company, Tepco, assured the world, only one reactor was affected.  It wasn’t until much later the world learned Tepco and the Japanese government covered up two additional nuclear reactor meltdowns, and a problem with a fourth, making this disaster exponentially worse than Chernobyl.

Now, the Japanese government and Tepco are indicating the need to dump tonnes of contaminated water stored in barrels on the site into the ocean because of a lack of space to continue to collect and store the water used for cooling.  But, there exists some controversy over this dumping of radioactive water into the ocean.  Why?  As has been proven in the past, the Japanese government, as well as Tepco, have been less than forthcoming with information regarding the nuclear disaster.

Four days ago, The Guardian reported:

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Tokyo Electric Power (Tepco) has struggled to deal with the buildup of groundwater, which becomes contaminated when it mixes with water used to prevent the three damaged reactor cores from melting.

Tepco has attempted to remove most radionuclides from the excess water, but the technology does not exist to rid the water of tritium, a radioactive isotope of hydrogen. Coastal nuclear plants commonly dump water that contains tritium into the ocean. It occurs in minute amounts in nature.

Tepco admitted last year that the water in its tanks still contained contaminants beside tritium. [Emphasis Mine.]

So, what is in the contaminated water besides tritium?

According to the South China Morning Post:

Anti-nuclear and environmental groups had obtained data leaked from government sources, however, that showed that the water was still contaminated, triggering public anger. Tepco was forced to admit late last year that its efforts to reduce radioactive material – known as radionuclides – in the water had failed.

The company had previously claimed that advanced processes had reduced cancer-causing contaminants such as strontium-90, iodine-129 and ruthenium-106 in the water to non-detectible levels.

Despite the much-vaunted Advanced Liquid Processing System (ALPS) plant at Fukushima, Tepco has confirmed that levels of strontium-90, for example, are more than 100 times above legally permitted levels in 65,000 tonnes of water that have already been through the ALPS system.

So, despite the water still containing highly radioactive isotopes, the Japanese government and Tepco contend the water needs to be dumped into the Pacific Ocean.

Caitlin Stronell, spokeswoman for the Tokyo-based Citizens’ Nuclear Information Center, summed up the problem.

“There needs to be a lot of consultations before any decision is reached on what to do and it cannot simply be the government making an arbitrary decision.  The whole story of the Fukushima disaster has been one of lies and half-truths from the authorities and it is very hard to trust anyone in Tepco or the government on this issue,” she said.

“People’s opinions have been completely disregarded in the rush by the government to tell us how everything is just fine and we believe the people from the region, those who have lost the most, cannot be overlooked or neglected,” Stronell concluded.

The South China Morning Post continued:

The Greenpeace report concludes that the water crisis at the plant will remain unresolved for the foreseeable future – and that the only viable option to safeguard local communities and the environment is to continue to store the water.

“The Japanese government and Tepco set an objective of ‘solving’ the radioactive water crisis by 2020 – that was never credible,” said Shaun Burnie, a nuclear specialist with Greenpeace Germany.

“The reality is that there is no end to the water crisis at Fukushima, a crisis compounded by poor decision-making by both Tepco and the government. Discharging into the Pacific is the worst option and must be ruled out.”

The rush to find a solution to the accumulation of storing the contaminated water is based on space, which will be unavailable after 2022.  But, the Japanese government and Tepco have credibility issues with the public and international community – as well it should.

Two days ago, Forbes published an article claiming it was acceptable for Japan to dump millions of tonnes of contaminated water into the Pacific Ocean because the water was only contaminated with tritium.

According to James Conca at Forbes, the only option is to dump the water into the Pacific Ocean and proceeded to provide the nuclear waste-uneducated public an extensive explanation on why tritium contaminated water is safe to dump in the ocean.  Conca concluded his piece by saying that nuclear power was critical to “addressing global warming” and the Japanese economic doldrums.  And, there you have the reason for supporting dumping water contaminated with radioactive isotopes besides tritium into the Pacific Ocean – preserving the continued use of nuclear power after an extinction-level event of a triple nuclear core meltdown.

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The truth of the matter is that no one really knows the impact of the Fukushima Daiichi nuclear plant triple meltdown accident.  Moreover, the Japanese government, steeped in hundreds of years of arrogance and superiority ideology, as well as the officials at Tepco, have refused to provide accurate information from the outset of the incident and continue to stonewall aided by publications like Forbes, who completely disregarded the leaked report that stored water at the Fukushima site still contains harmful radioactive isotopes.

Let’s be honest here.  There is really no way to clean up one reactor meltdown much less three.  Chernobyl still rages and all that has been done is to wrap the site into a sarcophagus that will continually need to be replaced.  But, Chernobyl nuclear fuel didn’t enter the ground like the three reactor fuels did at Fukushima.  The area around Chernobyl is still radioactive and deadly to human occupation.   One must consider the same can be said for Fukushima.  However, Fukushima, which suffered three nuclear reactor meltdowns that entered the earth and is still releasing radioactivity, will see the torch of the Olympic games carried through a radioactive area.

In March of 2019, Dr. Helen Caldicott, in an interview with Global Research News, stated, “So, there’s a huge, huge cover-up.”

The interview is worth the read because this information is being obscured by the lamestream enemedia, world governments, the International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA), and the World Health Organization.

Dr. Caldicott indicated, “Well there are ongoing emissions into the air consistently, number one. Number two, a huge amount of water is being stored –over a million gallons in tanks at the site. That water is being siphoned off from the reactor cores, the damaged melted cores. Water is pumped consistently every day, every hour, to keep the cores cool in case they have another melt. And that water, of course, is extremely contaminated.

Now they say they’ve filtered out the contaminants except for the tritium which is part of the water molecule, but they haven’t. There’s strontium, cesium, and many other elements in that water – it’s highly radioactive – and because there isn’t enough room to build more tanks, they’re talking about emptying all that water into the Pacific Ocean and the fishermen are very, very upset. The fish already being caught off Fukushima, some are obviously contaminated. But this will be a disaster.”

According to Caldicott, the World Health Organization signed a document in 1959 with the IAEA that stated the organization would not report any medical effects of radiological disasters and it is one the organization has honored.  So, certain diseases caused by radiological disasters are not even being documented or followed – only thyroid cancer has been followed by the Japanese government.  However, because of the latent period of carcinogenesis, certain cancers take 3 to 80 years to develop after exposure to radiation.  Thyroid cancer develops early;  others, like Leukemia about 5 to 10 years later and solid organ cancers roughly 15 years after exposure.  She indicated that individuals from Hiroshima and Nagasaki who are still alive are continuing to develop cancer in higher than normal numbers.

Dr. Caldicott indicated that the Japanese government will never decommission those reactors.

Caldicott said plenty about Chernobyl in association with Fukushima.

“Oh, Chernobyl! Well, a wonderful book was produced by the, uh, Russians, and published by the New York Academy of Sciences, called Chernobyl with over 5000 on the ground studies of children and diseases in Belarus and the Ukraine, and all over Europe. And by now over a million people have already died from the Chernobyl disaster. And many diseases have been caused by that, including premature aging in children, microcephaly in babies, very small heads, diabetes, leukemia, I mean, I could go on and on.

Um, and those diseases which have been very well described in that wonderful book, um, which everyone should read, are not being addressed or identified or looked for in the Fukushima or Japanese population.

May I say that parts of Tokyo are extremely radioactive. People have been measuring the dirt from rooves of apartments, from the roadway, from vacuum cleaner dust. And some of these samples, they’re so radioactive that they would classify to be buried in radioactive waste facilities in America. So, that’s number one.

Number two, to have the Olympics in Fukushima just defies imagination. And uh, some of the areas where the athletes are going to be running, the dust and dirt there has been measured, and it’s highly radioactive. So, this is Abe, the Prime Minister of Japan, who set this up to – as a sort of way to obscure what Fukushima really means. And those young athletes, you know, who are – and young people are much more sensitive to radiation, developing cancers later than older people – it’s just a catastrophe waiting to happen.”

According to Dr. Caldicott, the 2020 Olympics in Japan is being dubbed “the radioactive Olympics.”  She also indicated the situation will be tenuous forever because there could be another huge accident at those reactors.  And, to make matters worse, the united States has “closed down the air-borne radioactive measuring instruments off the west coast of America.”

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So, while the anti-constitutional crowd is going insane, literally, over the farce and ruse of global warming/climate change, none are focusing on the real true threat of Fukushima.  While this same crowd goes bonkers over mass shootings, inflating their numbers, yelling about “not one more child”, they ignore the real threat of radioactive Fukushima that will threaten the world’s population for an untold number of years.  As the lamestream enemedia participates in the cover-up of the true threat to humanity from Fukushima, the problem continues and will continue while charlatan politicians and their ilk promote a “Green New Deal” supportive of increasing reliance on nuclear power – a “clean” solution to fossil fuels.  Nuclear power is anything but clean as nuclear power plant disasters prove.  And, what do you do with radioactive spent fuel rods and other nuclear waste?  Fukushima, anyone?

From all indications, the Fukushima disaster could be a depopulation event or an extinction-level event the likes one cannot even comprehend.  So, the solution has been to downplay and cover-up an unmanageable disaster.  Despite numerous warnings from many, including Dr. Helen Caldicott, and reporting from alternative media, the gravity of the situation is lost on many while those in power, aware of its implications, engage in misinformation and lies.  But, the attitude appears to be, “well, there’s nothing to be done about it so why worry and keep harping on it.”  Well, with the policies coming out of Washington, District of Corruption, such as gun banning and confiscation, single-payer Medicare for All, and other socialistic/communistic policies, it could be paving the way for a scenario yet to come in which the disaster at Fukushima plays a part.  After all, in an unmanageable, uncontrollable situation that will affect the entire world’s population, the solution by governments is to control people as much as possible.

Article posted with permission from Sons Of Liberty Media

Suzanne Hamner

Suzanne Hamner (pen name) is a registered nurse, grandmother of 4, and a political independent residing in the state of Georgia, who is trying to mobilize the Christian community in her area to stand up and speak out against tyrannical government, invasion by totalitarian political systems masquerading as religion and get back to the basics of education.