France deploying 89,000 cops, security ahead suspected COUP attempt Saturday

Revolution: A French newspaper is reporting that the so-called “yellow jacket” demonstrators who have staged violent protests in Paris and around the country in opposition to the government’s imposition of massive fuel taxes related to climate accords could be preparing for a coup attempt on Saturday

As such, French authorities plan to deploy 8,000 police in Paris alone with another 80,000-plus riot police and gendarmes around the country, various reports have said.

French intelligence services have reported to the Elysee Palace, the official residence of President Emannuel Macron, following “calls to kill” and “carry arms to attack” government officials, parliamentarians and police, according to Le Figaro. 

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“They are putschists. We are in a coup attempt,” said Le Figaro‘s sources. 

On Thursday, Yellow Jacket leader Eric Drouet noted that “Saturday will be the final outcome. Saturday is the Elysee,” adding, “We all would like to go to the Elysee.” 

Le Figaro also reported that Saturday’s demonstrations may involve unprecedented levels of violence including “a hardcore radicalized” element,  from “both the extreme right and extreme left.” 

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In addition to the closure of the Eiffel Tower on Saturday, several French museums also announced that they would close.

Macron has struggled to contain the protests and the outrage after announcing the hike in fuel taxes three weeks ago, even agreeing to delay them this week. 

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The taxes are part of France’s ‘contribution’ to the Paris Climate Accords signed in 2015 which would see $100 billion in wealth from participating (mostly Western) nations transferred to the third world, ostensibly to assist them in ‘greening’ their countries. 

For the record, this is the accord POTUS Donald Trump withdrew the U.S. from in June 2017. 

Despite Macron’s pledge to delay the tax hikes, Yellow Jacket demonstrators don’t seem to be placated. The Yellow Vest movement has called on its followers to “stay on our course” over Facebook and gather for “The Act IV”  on Saturday the 8th, in what will be the fourth week of protests. 

Macron’s offer of a six-month delay and to place the tax only on ‘the wealthy’ isn’t playing well among a French electorate who have come to believe that the governing elites have completely lost touch with the people.

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