Florida Ethics Commission Investigating Lee County Sheriff Carmine Marceno

Well, it’s taken months of reporting and tireless efforts to get the story out, hoping the mainstream media would pick up on what the Florida Department of Law Enforcement, the governor, the attorney general and anyone in authority has failed to do and that is to investigate the unethical behavior and crimes of appointed Lee County Sheriff Carmine Marceno.  Now, after an elected former sheriff filed a complaint with the Florida Commission on Ethics, he has received word that they are investigating Marceno according to what he outlined in his letter.

Fox4, the only outlet in Southwest Florida with the guts to put the story out after months of my reporting, has the story:

Rodney Shoap told Fox4 the investigator in charge of the case called him this week and will begin the process of making official statements.

In the complaint sent last month, Shoap claims Marceno has abused his power in at least one case involving a woman clearly violating the Florida Ethics Standards.

Marceno previously released a statement saying in part “these accusations are politically motivated and have been previously proven false.”

Nothing in this is politically motivated and as I have pointed out, Marceno is clearly unable to provide evidence that he is not guilty of the complaint that Deanna Williams made against him concerning unethical behavior towards a crime victim, nor has he provided a shred of evidence to combat the plethora of documentation that has been put out to show that he committed fraud and a felony of impersonating a police officer without meeting the requirements mandated by the state to become a police officer from out of state.

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While Fox included that Sheriff Shoap endorsed Marceno’s opponent, Jim Leavens, for sheriff, that has absolutely nothing to do with the clear evidence that has been provided.  That should be included if there was no evidence as merely putting forth assertions could be considered mud slinging, but the documentation is vast and plentiful.

Here’s Jane Monreal with a short News blurb on what’s going on.

Sheriff Shoap and I have contacted each other and shared documentation and he had confirmed this information to me a couple of days ago. In fact, he has recently written a letter to US Senator Rick Scott to urge him not to endorse the very man that he appointed to the position.

Sheriff Shoap will be giving an update on what is going on this Saturday on Setting Brushfires radio at 11 am EST.

For more documentation on the things that were addressed above, here are previous articles on the subject:

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Article posted with permission from Sons Of Liberty Media

Tim Brown

Tim Brown is an author and Editor at FreedomOutpost.com, SonsOfLibertyMedia.com, GunsInTheNews.com and TheWashingtonStandard.com. He is husband to his "more precious than rubies" wife, father of 10 "mighty arrows", jack of all trades, Christian and lover of liberty. He resides in the U.S. occupied Great State of South Carolina. . Follow Tim on Twitter. Also check him out on Gab, Minds, MeWe, Spreely, Mumbl It and Steemit