Don’t Want 5G In Your Community? Steps to Effectively Challenge Installation

By B.N. Frank

In February, the Telecom Industry also gave congressional testimony that they have NO scientific evidence that 5G is safe.  Regardless, 5G has already been installed in some communities and people and their pets are getting sick (see 1, 2, 3).

It’s not only doctors and scientists who have been issuing warnings about this technology (see 1, 2, 3).  Opposition, warnings, and concerns have also been issued by

  1. Elected and appointed officials (see 1, 2, 3, 4, 5)

  2. Environmentalists (see 1, 2, 3)

  3. Engineers (see 1, 2),

  4. Meteorologists, NASA, NOAA, the U.S. Navy

  5. Security experts

  6. Tech enthusiasts

  7. Utility companies (see 1, 2)

Despite all of this, more is on the way.  No wonder some are referring to it as the 5G Apocalypse! 

Many organizations are offering advice and resources to stop installation.  Thanks to Integral Resilience and Big Heart Technologies for providing more on their website:

Immediate Leverage: Challenging 10 Fundamental Disempowering 5G Assumptions

The Shadow Game is played by attacking the Mind with untested and unproven Assumptions. We immediately empower ourselves by challenging these assumptions and demanding proof.  Shifting the burden of proof is a critical goal in the Global 5G Negotiation.

  • 5G is safe and benign because the governments and industry says it is.

  • 5G would never be deployed for crowd control—civilian control—even though that was part of its original purpose. It is impossible to manipulate large numbers of people remotely from satellites.

  • 5G cannot and would not be used to eradicate enemies, even though that was its original purpose on the battlefield.

  • There is no scientific proof that 60 GHz 5G is dangerous. The public should bear the burden of proving injuries from 5G because 5G is fundamentally safe and its importance should override vague concerns over public health.

  • 5G would never be used for surveillance of citizens or opponents since this is illegal.

  • Industry and governments should own and control all your personal data generated through 5G surveillance.

  • The public and local communities cannot have regulatory control over 5G since its development and deployment is of industrial importance and this strategic industry is none of their business.

  • The environmental impacts of 5G are no different than 1-4 G.

  • There is no need to provide for compensation for victims of 5G because the technology as developed and deployed is safe and benign. After all, how can anything that is invisible be dangerous?

  • Industry and governments have deep wisdom, along with the “free market,” about the highest and noblest uses of 5G technology

Register Now for The 5G Crisis: Awareness & Accountability Summit. Online and FREE from August 26 – September 1, 2019.