DARPA To Put Nuclear, Biological And Chemical Detectors In Public Venues

By MassPrivateI

Can you imagine living in a country that puts surveillance devices in every city and public venue?

What would be the first country that comes to mind? China or the United Kingdom, right?

What if I told you that the United States has joined their ranks?

Recent news stories reveal that the United States is installing multiple types of surveillance devices in cities and public venues.

A recent news release by the Defense Department’s Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency (DARPA) and Homeland Security reveal that they are installing nuclear, biological and chemical sensors everywhere.

The program called, “PReemptive Expression of Protective Alleles and Response Elements” (PREPARE) “addresses four major threat areas: influenza infection, opioid overdose, organophosphate poisoning, and exposure to gamma irradiation.”

The Marvel Universe will be happy to know that our government apparently only wants one Incredible Hulk.

DARPA’s news release, also revealed that DHS and law enforcement used handheld and fixed nuclear, biological and chemical detectors on INDY 500 race car fans.

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As some 300,000 cheering race fans packed the stands at this year’s Indianapolis 500, behind the scenes an advanced network of sensors kept constant vigilance, providing security officials real-time awareness of any potential weapon-of-mass-destruction/terror (WMD/WMT) threat.

Did you catch that? DHS and the Metropolitan Police Department used handheld sensors to spy on race car fans in real-time.

“Integrating our fixed and handheld SIGMA radiation detectors, which are now being deployed operationally, with ChemSIGMA sensors and DHS’s bio sensors on the SIGMA+ network demonstrated the networking of sensors for simultaneous, wide-area monitoring of multiple threats,” Wrobel said. “We’d like to thank the Indianapolis Metropolitan Police Department for their support in executing this demonstration. We look forward to working with them and other local, state and federal partners on future pilot activities to further refine the system with the goal of transitioning the capability to DoD and DHS users.”

The Feds have been spying on race car drivers for at least five years,

The Mobile Deployment Detection Program, or MDDP, has been supporting the Indy 500 for five years to augment the Indianapolis Metropolitan Police Department’s radiation and nuclear detection capabilities. (To learn more about DHS’s MDDP click here.)

Feds plan to put DARPA sensors in cities and public venues across the country.

“Data collected and lessons learned from the tech demo unit in Indy will be joined with data collected from around the country to support the design, development, and future deployment of the BD21 system to safeguard our nation against biothreats,” said Assistant Secretary, James McDonnell.

If you combine DARPA’s detectors with TSA-PreCheck, facial recognition cameras, HEXWAVE, public transit full-body scannersZ-Backscatter vans, police Knightscope robots,  Police IMSI detectors (Stingrays) Bluetooth detectors, police license plate readers, police digital watch networks (Ring doorbells), US Marine Corps Smart City surveillance, police Opportunity Zonespolice drones, etc., the number of devices law enforcement uses to spy on the public is growing and that should scare everyone.

You can read more at the MassPrivateI blog, where this article first appeared.

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