BBC Veteran: Brexit Voters Should Be Left to ‘Starve and Die’

Former BBC broadcaster Terry Christian says people who support Brexit should be left to starve and deprived of medicine in the event of a ‘no-deal Brexit.’

In a series of tweets attacking Brexit supporters, Christian revealed he is hoping for a “good virulent strain” of flu to strike down pensioners who voted to leave the European Union.

“No Deal Brexit [sic] will cause shortage of flu vaccine,” Terry Christian began his tweet.

“Should have 2 queues at Doctors [sic] one for Brexit [sic] one for remain. Brexit queue gets told they dont [sic] need vaccines as they were put together by experts they should [sic] just believe harder. Only remainers get vaccinated. It’s win-win,” he added. reports: When one follower suggested this could have an impact on society at large, he was dismissive: “‘ its [sic] the flu – so mainly OAPs [Old Age Pensioners]. If they voted to destroy our lives – lets [sic] hope its [sic] a good virulent strain this year -[sic]”.

Challenged on the callousness of his remarks by a left-leaning Northumbria University professor, who described them as “despicable” and that “If Remainers cannot be better than this they have lost already,” Christian was unrepentant.

“If you truly think that you don’t get out in the real world enough,” he sneered, doubling down on his position: “I truly hope the darkness comes to them all”.

“They all knew exactly what they were voting for, besides vaccines are put together by experts and they don’t like them,” he told another critic, adding a facetious winking emoji, “heres [sic] to mother nature”.

“It’s going to be Darwinian. In ignorance they’ve aqueisced [sic] in cutting their own throats,” he added elsewhere.

Christian’s comments about Brexit-voting pensioners being deprived of flu vaccines in the event of medicine shortages came hot on the heels of similar comments about Brexit supporters being starved in the event of food shortages — another popular fantasy among EU loyalists scaremongering about life outside the European Union.

“Imagine when there are shortages of food fuel and medicines caused by No Deal brexit , the fury at those thick c**ts getting served [sic],” he tweeted angrily.

“They voted to starve and die , let them [sic]” he added bitterly.

Christian previously raised eyebrows when he claimed he was personally aware of employers who were sacking known Brexit supporters from their workforce, and urged “all employers should follow suit where possible”.

“Wigan, Tameside, Oldham, Rochdale, Bolton, Salford, Bury, Stockport, Trafford all voted leave, so these are the areas you want people sacking & forced into homelessness Terry?” asked one shocked social media user, referring to a number of working-class areas with which the broadcaster, a Mancunian, might have been expected to sympathise.

“Yes , [sic] lots of those areas sadly thought voting to leave the EU would mean no more Pakistanis and other muslims [sic] coming in , a racist vote [sic]” the journalist alleged coldly.