AI ‘Deity’ To Preach Buddhism In Japanese Temple

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Robots have many uses in Japan, from ‘comforting the sick and aged, and disposing of hazardous nuclear waste’ to preaching Buddhism in the pulpit. Technocrat inventors think this is a wonderful advancement for humanity. Really? ⁃ TN Editor

A Japanese robot has been created to preach the teachings of Buddha in colloquial language at the Kodaiji Temple in the ancient city of Kyoto.

As Mindar gave its speech on the Heart Sutra and humanity, English and Chinese subtitles were projected on the wall as music played in the background.

The chief steward of the temple in Kyoto’s Higashiyama Ward Tensho Goto during a news conference said: “If an image of Buddha speaks, teachings of Buddhism will probably be easier to understand,”

He added: “We want many people to come to see the robot to think about the essence of Buddhism.”

Another official connected to the temple explained how the robot would “help people who usually have little connection with Buddhism to take an interest” in the religion.”

Mindar, which is about 195 centimeters tall and weighs 60 kilograms, was constructed by Tokyo-based A-Lab Co.

It is primarily made of aluminum, with silicone used for its face and hands.

The robot will be revealed to the public between March 8 and May 6.

Japanese researchers have been developing robots to revolutionise labour within Japan.

Uses for the burgeoning technology including teaching children, comforting the sick and aged, and disposing of hazardous nuclear waste.

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