Tucker Carlson to MSNBC’s Joy Reid: ‘Everyone who disagrees with her is a RACIST!’

(National SentinelRace-Baiting:  Fox News host Tucker Carlson called out MSNBC host Joy Reid Tuesday evening on his program for boiling down every issue to race.

After playing a series of clips of Reid Carlson said, “Everyone who disagrees with her is a racist.”

“Most cable new shows are pretty varied, they cover a lot of topics,” The Daily Caller co-founder said. “But over on MSNBC, Joy Reid’s show is the exception. Her show has only one topic — how everyone who disagrees with her is a racist. She’s not a civil rights advocate, she’s just a monomaniac. Take a look.”

Carlson then played his clips of Reid talking about racism where, at one point, she even seemed to suggest that a joke President Donald J. Trump made about House Minority Leader Nancy Pelosi, D-Calif., was racist.

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He then noted that much of Reid’s commentary focuses on race, The Daily Caller reported.

In October, Reid wrote, “‘Economic anxiety’ didn’t elect Trump. The desire of millions of Americans, from the farms to the suburbs, to see Mexican immigrants deported, a wall erected across the U.S. southern border and Muslims banned from entering this country did.”

She has also said the president is “sort of unabashedly white nationalist,” and is “unembarrassed” about his “embrace of that kind of white supremacist attitude.”

Trump has regularly and vehemently denied that he is racist, and many people of color have come to his defense.

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