Trump on FISA memo’s revelations: ‘I think it’s a disgrace’; president MUST pardon anyone caught up in crosshairs of special counsel Mueller

By J. D. Heyes, editor-in-chief

(National SentinelClean House: As you might have guessed, President Donald J. Trump — the subject of one the biggest political hit jobs in the history of the republic — was none too happy about the findings of the House Intelligence Committee contained in the so-called “FISA memo” released on Friday.

“I think it’s terrible,” Trump said, as quoted by The Associated Press. “You want to know the truth. I think it’s a disgrace. What’s going on in this country, I think it’s a disgrace.”

As reported by NewsTarget, the memo reveals “serial abuses of the Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Court by upper echelon officials in the FBI and Justice Department to prevent [Trump] from becoming president, and to undermine him after he defeated Hillary Clinton in November 2016.”

The four-page memo goes on, noting that Clinton, several U.S. media outlets, top-ranking figures within DOJ and FBI including some that are still serving, and others conspired to create a bogus “dossier” full of false and salacious charges that purportedly came from Russian “sources,” and then pretend it was a legitimate intelligence document in order to secure a top-secret surveillance warrant so the Obama regime could spy on the Trump campaign. (Related: FISA memo released — bombshell report reveals MASSIVE Deep State conspiracy to keep Donald Trump out of the White House)

These same people knew that the dossier — which was paid for by the Clinton campaign through a third-party law firm (because ol’ Hill is so cloak-and-dagger) — was just a political document, not real intelligence.

So yeah, it certainly is a “disgrace” all of this happened.

But it goes much deeper than that. It’s also criminal. At least it has been so far for Carter Page, the principal Trump campaign official put under surveillance by political appointees and others within the DOJ and FBI. And former national security advisor Michael Flynn, indicted and convicted of “lying” to the FBI. And others caught up in this web of deceit.

But it’s also criminal because certain officials within the FBI and DOJ willfully misrepresented “evidence” before a federal court — the FISA court — in order to obtain a surveillance warrant so they could improperly spy on an American citizen.

Like the Gestapo, or Stasi, or KGB.

There is no other choice for the president: He must fire Robert Mueller, whose appointment was also based on this same bogus information; he must fire Deputy Attorney General Rod Rosenstein who signed off on the bogus FISA warrant application at least twice and who appointed Mueller knowing the Trump dossier was opposition research and not intelligence; and he must pardon Flynn (and maybe Page someday) since they have were ensnared in a political operation.

A version of this report first appeared at

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