Today Will Be the Worst Day of 2017, Astrologers Warn

(ANTIMEDIA) — Five years after numerous people on the internet were mysteriously convinced the world was about to end as 2012 approached, astrologers are warning that December 21 will be the absolute worst day of 2017. For what reason? Saturn, the planet. Or so they say.

According to London astrologer Neil Spencer, who writes for The Observer, the sun will appear to pass in front of the constellation Capricorn shortly after Saturn also appears to pass in front of the constellation. Spencer claims this will cause both the sun and Saturn to line up for the first time since 1664. As if 2017 hadn’t tested us enough already, astrologers warn that starting something new today is “ill-advised” and anything you try to do will be much harder than usual.

At least it’s just 24 hours, right? Except that things that happen on December 21 could allegedly lead to long-term negative consequences.

“Patience will not be a priority, especially if we are told that we ‘have to’ (do something) by our superiors,” Lunar Living astrology website reads. “We may be perceived as (in)subordinate. Be ready to deal with the repercussions of the rebellion.”

This particular day also happens to be the winter solstice, the shortest and least sunlit day of the year. According to astrologists, it is written in the stars that December 21 will be the worst day of 2017.

However, most scientists strongly disagree with Neil Spencer and consider astrology to be a pseudoscience that has no effect on your life.

Anti-Media believes today is just like any other day.

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