The Great and Powerful Oz Has Spoken

The green loudmouth wants us to bring back the witch’s broom. We’ll let you decide who the witch is. Anyway, we intend to do as ordered, but need your help, hence our plea this final week or so of NRO’s Spring 2018 Webathon, in which we hope to raise $210,000. For what purpose? I spell it out here in some detail, but if you don’t feel like clicking, we’re hoping our kind readers will help us pay for the costly website rebuild (we’re looking for $100,000 towards that), $50,000 to bankroll one of the important news-reporter positions, and $60,000 for a new finance reporter (we believe these latter two positions will more than pay for themselves — so your help is truly an investment).

Many hundreds of you have responded to this appeal, but many more need to, if we might humbly contend that those who derive great pleasure and benefit from NRO — knowing that this free website ain’t (free) — might do their fair share, whether that be a sawbuck or some contribution that reminds you of an old president (Grover Cleveland, whose puss adorned the once legal $1,000 bill; or James Madison, who graced the now defunct $5,000 bill). Or what the heck, even Salmon Chase, the only SCOTUS boss named after a fish (he is the mug on the now abandoned $10,000 bill). Think big if you can, friends.

Speaking of friends, here is a sampling of some who explained why they have bellied up to the webathon bar and bought a round:

  • Michael from Chicago sends $100 and declares, “Thank you for helping me appear half-way intelligent.” Send another $100 Mike, and you will take care of the other half! Thanks, buddy.

  • Another Michael, this one from Kansas City, sends NR a sweet $150 and boasts, “I’m proud to support such excellent and insightful work.” We are as humbled as you are proud amigo.

  • Tim in Laguna Beach does a double Franklin job on us: “$100 for all of the faithful work done by NR to allow me to grow up in a free country, and another $100 so that Charlie Cooke can stay here.” Tim, Charlie already made it in and can’t get the boot, so we will direct that towards other purposes, okay? A mighty thank-you from all of us though.

  • Holly from Austin graces us with 25 smackers and tells us how we are there for her every Sunday through Saturday: “I make at least one stop at NRO daily, sometimes more. I like the spiffy new site, and as always, you continue to have a stellar slate of writers.” That’s because we have spiffy and stellar supporters.

  • Chuck and Ann make with the C note. And the love: “We view this donation as a ‘NR subscription’ since we read everything NR publishes every day. We rarely make a decision on an issue without first getting input or analysis from NR authors. Thanks for standing up for conservatism every day.” Oh, you two! Thanks terribly.

  • And let’s end this with sweet Nancy from Pasadena, who reaches into the pocketbook, grabs $500, and sends it our way, along with this praise: “National Review covers all the important bases. It informs, it explicates, and occasionally it makes me laugh out loud.”

If you can’t do $1,000 or $5,000 or a Chase-like $10,000, is it asking too much for $10, $25, or $50 to help NR? Or how about $100, $250, $500? I’m asking nicely, and don’t forget: Oz has spoken, so there’s that incentive for you to help. So here’s how to make your generosity a reality: Make your donation direct to NR here. If you prefer PayPal, send your help to NR here. And if you roll old school, mail a check (payable to “National Review”) to us at 19 West 44th Street, Suite 1701, New York, N.Y. 10036. We remain deeply appreciative of any and all who provide us any level of help.